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Welcome to Second Grade!.  -Our theme for this year is “Second Grade is the Spot for a Great Year!”  This central theme correlates with the idea that.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Second Grade!.  -Our theme for this year is “Second Grade is the Spot for a Great Year!”  This central theme correlates with the idea that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Second Grade!

2  -Our theme for this year is “Second Grade is the Spot for a Great Year!”  This central theme correlates with the idea that students will find their place in the classroom community of learners throughout the school year.

3  Reading  Spelling  Math  Science  Social Studies  Religion  Writing

4  Second grade students will discover the world of reading through the Open Court reading program.  This reading program will guide students through decoding skills and sight word vocabulary needed to help become fluent readers.

5  The program focuses on the five essential components of effective reading instruction: 1. Phonemic Awareness 2. Systematic, Explicit Phonics 3. Fluency 4. Vocabulary 5. Text Comprehension

6  In second grade, there will be a stronger focus in the areas of fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension.  Fluency: Reading effortlessly with speed, accuracy, and expression.  Vocabulary: Learning new word meanings to build comprehension.  Text Comprehension: Thinking actively before, during, and after reading.

7  Our spelling program will begin the week of September 7th.  Every Monday of each week, your child will be assigned 10 new words.  Each group of weekly spelling words focus on high frequency words and consonants blends/digraphs which are taught during that week.  Some weeks there may be bonus words in addition to our weekly list.

8  Implemented starting September 2013  Innovative math curriculum that is aligned with Common Core Curriculum Standards and is based on foundational research  enVision math features interactive lessons and stories, manipulatives and math games, and technology components for learning

9 Core Second Grade Math Topics Include….  Understanding Addition & Subtraction  Using Addition & Subtraction Strategies  Place Value to 100 through 1000  Adding & Subtracting Two and Three-Digit Numbers  Counting Money  Measurement  Time, Graphs, and Data

10  In Social Studies, students will learn about their community and the people who contribute to their community.  We will also learn mapping skills, American symbols and holidays, as well as talk about many famous Americans throughout history.

11  New Science Curriculum being implemented this year  This curriculum program has a strong focus in hands-on, interactive learning for students.  Science topics that we will cover this year include: -Physical Properties of Matter -Force and Work -Rocks and Minerals -Simple Machines -Sound and Light -Birds

12  Second grade students also implement the Scholastic Weekly and Science Spin magazines as a part of their Social Studies and Science curriculum.  This magazine is a weekly magazine that connects to many seasonal topics across both Social Studies and Science curriculums.  The cost/student for this yearly subscription will be announced later this month.

13  Grade 2 students will learn about the Mass, liturgical seasons, and the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist.  As their understanding of Jesus’ love and forgiveness is better understood, I hope they will apply the knowledge to make wise and thoughtful choices throughout the school day and at home.

14  Penance is the sacrament that is c0mpleted prior to First Communion.  There will be a required parent meeting for all recipients of First Penance and Communion.  The date of the meeting will be announced at a later date.  One parent must attend the meeting for each child.  Materials Fee-$30.00

15 Penance and First Communion  Meeting with Religious Ed. Director, Mrs. Hopkins (Date-TBD)  Penance Date (TBD)  First Communion Date (TBD)  Penance-March 2016 (12:15PM-During School Day)  First Communion- Class Liturgy that has all students participate

16  Students will continue to develop their writing skills through writing prompts and classroom assessments.  The John Collins Writing Program focuses on FCA’s or Focus Correction Areas, where students can pinpoint their writing to key aspects within each assignment.

17  Homework will be given on Monday – Thursday  Each assignment should take around 20 minutes a night  Spelling homework will begin September 8th Monday: Write each word 3 times Tuesday: Use the first 5 words in a sentence. Wednesday: use the last 5 words in sentences Thursday: Study for the spelling test.  In addition, students will also complete a Math workbook page that correlates with that day’s Math lesson.

18  Your child should also spend 10 or 15 minutes reading each night.  If your child struggles or has not yet developed an interest in reading, try reading in unison, taking turns reading paragraphs or pages, or reading a story to him/her.  Poetry can be fun to read together, as well.  Reading will help your child in all academic areas.  Seasonal Projects/Activities

19  Our class will visit the Thayer Public Library once a week.  Each child should have his or her own library card to use. They can bring their cards in each week or I can hold onto them in the classroom.  Students will be able to borrow two books each time we visit the library provided that they do not have any books overdue.  Families will be notified when our first library visit will be.

20  Birthdays are an exciting time in the life of a child. In order to keep our students safe, we will have a food-free birthday celebration.  When it is your child’s birthday, they may bring in one of their favorite stories from home for me to read during our whole group read aloud.  Your child will also be given a birthday certificate and pin on the day of their birthday

21  School may begin entering school everyday at 7:40 AM. It is very important that your child arrives to school on time.  If your child is absent from school, please send in a note explaining the reason for their absence on the day of their return.

22  Every month, students will receive a monthly order form for books from the Scholastic Book Club.  Scholastic Book Club is an opportunity to purchase many popular book titles and series at a cost-efficient price.  Every time you order a book from the book club, you will help your child’s teacher earn points for her own classroom library.

23  Each classroom has two parent volunteers to serve as our room parents. Room parents are responsible for organizing school-wide fundraisers and events.  Volunteers are also needed at our annual Ornament Day in December.  If you would like to volunteer, fill out your CORI form before leaving tonight.

24  D.O.T. stands for Daily, Organizational, Tools.  We will be using a binder to help with organizational skills. This binder will go home and come back to school each day.  The binder features pockets for homework, assignments, notes, and office papers.

25  Always try our best.  Respect each other.  Raise hands.  Work quietly.  Play and work safely.

26  Our classroom features a clip chart behavior chart to monitor the daily behavior of our students.  The clip chart consists of a chart that has been divided into levels. All of the children start the day on Ready to Learn. Then, during the course of the day, the children move their clothespins up or down the chart, based on the behavioral choices they make. If they are making good choices, they can move their clothespin up a level at a time. Inappropriate behavior would cause them to move down a level.  Since the children start in the middle of the chart, they have numerous opportunities to work their way up the chart. This really helps the children realize that they have to have self-control and be responsible for their actions and behavior if they want to be recognized for making good choices.

27  Monday: Technology  Tuesday: Physical Education  Wednesday: Art & Religion with Father Bob  Thursday: Music and Library  Friday: Italian and Reading Buddies

28  Preschool Reading Buddies will be assigned to students.  Gr. 2 students will be asked to bring in a book weekly to read to their buddy.  This is a valuable experience which provides children an opportunity to practice reading skills in a comfortable environment, regardless of their ability.  It is their responsibility to have a book to read. You will be sent information before the program begins.

29  If you ever have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please feel free to get in touch with me.  Email: (Best way)*** (Will respond within 24 hours)  Telephone: (781) 848-0842 (Leave message with Mrs. Daly)

30  Thank you for coming this evening.  Your dedication and commitment to Catholic Education is much appreciated.  I look forward to working with your child this year.

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