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Our Changing Planet OCEA 80B Professors Sharon Stammerjohn & Andy Moore Ocean Sciences Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Changing Planet OCEA 80B Professors Sharon Stammerjohn & Andy Moore Ocean Sciences Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Changing Planet OCEA 80B Professors Sharon Stammerjohn & Andy Moore Ocean Sciences Department

2 Outline A time of unprecedented change Global average temperature rise Glacial retreat Sea-ice melt Climate Change and disease IPCC – scientific knowledge and concensus Politically charged issue - agendas Economic growth Importance of being well informed OCEA 80B

3 We live in a time of recent unprecedented change in the Earth climate.

4 Global Average Temperature derived from the instrumental record

5 Proxy of derived global average temperature and the instrumental record “Climate Hockey Stick” (Michael Mann, Penn State)

6 Hockey stick questioned by Canadian mining engineers Some to-ing and fro-ing in the scientific literature Michael Mann testifies before the US Senate Special US Congress subcommittee convened US Academy of Sciences weighs in and supports Mann’s original results

7 Land clearing in N.Am began.

8 Glacial Retreat in Europe Chamonix, 1850 Chamonix 1856-1933 Chamonix 1966Chamonix today

9 Arctic Sea-Ice Extent - end of summer



12 The Northwest Passage




16 Climate Model Predictions


18 5/5/06

19 What of the future?





24 Economic Growth Booming economies in India and China – more affluent middle-class. Combined populations of China and India ~2.4 billion people ( World population ~ 6.5 billion people ( Global Carbon emissions have increased 19% since 1990. China’ emissions have increased 47%. In 2006, carbon emissions in China exceeded those of the United States.

25 Carbon Emissions by China

26 Mitigation: Kyoto Protocol

27 U.S has never ratified Kyoto protocol.

28 “One planet, one experiment” – Edward O’Wilson “The future depends on what we do in the present”- Mahatma Gandhi

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