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CAEOP Inspirations March 2005. Kind words are the music of the world. They have a power which seems to be beyond natural causes, as if they were some.

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Presentation on theme: "CAEOP Inspirations March 2005. Kind words are the music of the world. They have a power which seems to be beyond natural causes, as if they were some."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAEOP Inspirations March 2005

2 Kind words are the music of the world. They have a power which seems to be beyond natural causes, as if they were some angel’s song which had lost its way and come to earth. ~ Frederick William Faber

3 I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 Submitted by : Crystal Guimond, Riverside County AEOP

4 No one has ever become poor by giving. ~ Anne Frank

5 Treasure this day and treasure yourself. Truly, neither will ever happen again. ~ Anonymous Submitted by Kathy Coe, La Mesa –Spring Valley AEOP because, “life is too precious – have fun. It set a light bulb off that told me not to sweat the small stuff.”

6 In all things, we learn only from those we love. ~ Goethe

7 My true commitment is to our students because they are the most important people in my business! ~ Jo Alice Hunter, CAEOP Past President

8 One good wish changes nothing. One good decision changes everything. ~ Anonymous Submitted by Riverside County AEOP.

9 We all smile in the same language. ~ Anonymous Submitted by Riverside County AEOP.

10 The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service to others. ~ Mahatma Gandhi Submitted by Valerie Robledo, Ontario-Montclair AEOP.

11 Without education, you are not going anywhere in this world. ~ Malcolm X Submitted by Riverside County AEOP.

12 To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. ~ Anonymous Submitted by Riverside County AEOP.

13 Problems cannot be solved at the same level of consciousness that created them. ~ Albert Einstein Submitted by Connie Wilson, Past President

14 Don’t count the days. Make the days count. ~ Anonymous Submitted by Riverside County AEOP.

15 Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% what you do with what happens to you. ~ Anonymous Submitted by Riverside County AEOP.

16 When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself. ~ Anonymous Submitted by Riverside County AEOP.

17 Don’t let success go to your head, or failure go to your heart. ~ Anonymous Submitted by Riverside County AEOP.

18 Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present! ~ Don Higley Submitted by Lowanna Owens, Ontario-Montclair AEOP because, “It’s easy to constantly think of how it was and to worry about how it will be. But to take one day at a time and live life for that day based on how blessed you are to have that day has a more calming effect.”

19 Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt Submitted by Riverside County AEOP.

20 There’s a choice you have to make in everything you do. And you must always keep in mind,the choice you make makes you. ~ Anonymous Submitted by Riverside County AEOP.

21 Where there is hope, there is life. Where there is life, there is possibility, and where there is possibility, change can occur. ~ Jesse Jackson Submitted by Riverside County AEOP.

22 If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll be where you’ve always been. ~ Anonymous Submitted by Alice Mitchell, Riverside County AEOP.

23 Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light. ~ Albert Schweitzer

24 It’s a dull day when I haven’t learned something! ~ Jo Alice Hunter CAEOP Past President

25 Trust yourself. Think for yourself. Act for yourself. Speak for yourself. Imitation is suicide. ~ Marva Collins Submitted by Riverside County AEOP.

26 Opportunity never arrives – it’s here! Submitted by Riverside County AEOP. ~ Anonymous

27 It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery

28 When I look at the future, it’s so bright it burns my eyes. ~ Oprah Winfrey Submitted by Riverside County AEOP.

29 The winds of grace are always blowing, but you have to raise the sail. ~ Anonymous Submitted by Riverside County AEOP.

30 Flexible people never get bent out of shape. ~ Anonymous Submitted by Riverside County AEOP.

31 Believe in yourself. Invest in yourself. Hold fast to your dreams. ~ Yvonne “Bonnie” Palmer, CAEOP Past President Submitted by JoAlice Hunter, Past Presidents, because, “I still hear a little voice inside repeating [this saying] many times. [When I first heard it,] it was an awesome beginning as I really got in touch with God’s plan for my life; of course God is always right on time as we are never too old.”

32 Success often consists of simply getting up again after having fallen down. ~ Anonymous Submitted by Riverside County AEOP.

33 Familiar acts are beautiful through love. ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley

34 The phrase “working mother” is redundant. ~ Jane Sellman Submitted by Riverside County AEOP.

35 I love you the more in that I believe you have liked me for my own sake and for nothing else. ~ John Keats

36 In spite of illness…one can remain alive past the usual date of disintegration if one is unafraid of change, insatiable in intellectual curiosity, interested in big things, and happy in small ways. ~ Edith Wharton

37 The soul is healed by being with children. ~ Fyodor Dostoevsky

38 The California Association of Educational Office Professionals thanks you for being an inspiration to the staff and students you encounter in your educational office on a daily basis. Dream It. Wish It. Do It! Glenda Rhea’s 2005-2006 Presidental Theme

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