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Instructions for using this template. Remember this is Jeopardy, so where I have written “Answer” this is the prompt the students will see, and where.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions for using this template. Remember this is Jeopardy, so where I have written “Answer” this is the prompt the students will see, and where."— Presentation transcript:


2 Instructions for using this template. Remember this is Jeopardy, so where I have written “Answer” this is the prompt the students will see, and where I have “Question” should be the student’s response. To enter your questions and answers, click once on the text on the slide, then highlight and just type over what’s there to replace it. If you hit Delete or Backspace, it sometimes makes the text box disappear. When clicking on the slide to move to the next appropriate slide, be sure you see the hand, not the arrow. (If you put your cursor over a text box, it will be an arrow and WILL NOT take you to the right location.)

3 Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin.

4 Click here for Final Jeopardy

5 Vocabulary Compare & Contrast Downfall of MAI Legacy & Achievements Grab Bag 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points MAI

6 This was a type of corn grown by the MAI civilizations

7 Maize

8 What part of the Americas were the MAI civilizations were located in?

9 Meso-America & the Andes Mountains

10 Because of the swampy land around Tenochtitlan, the Aztecs grew food in “floating gardens” called ________.

11 Chinampas

12 The Spanish governed conquered territories using the

13 Encomienda System

14 Both the Mayans & the Aztecs wrote in _______ using ________.

15 Codex/codices & Glyphs/hieroglyphics

16 Were the MAI civilizations monotheistic or polytheistic?

17 Polytheistic

18 One thing the MAI civilizations’ religions had in common was that they all ________.

19 Sacrificed humans (but the Incas did it less frequently than the Maya and the Aztecs)

20 Because of the lack of large animals, the Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas relied on ________ for most of their food supply.

21 Agriculture (farming)

22 Which civilization made sacrifices at their pyramids AND used them as observatories to study the stars?

23 Mayans

24 Name 3 achievements of the Mayan civilization and explain their significance

25 Achievements: 260 day religious calendar, codex, math, astronomy, etc. Significance: depends.

26 Which civilization began before the other two?

27 Mayans

28 This civilization had no written language.

29 Incas

30 This civilization went to war to capture prisoners for sacrifices.

31 Aztecs

32 How did the geography of the Aztecs affect the homes they built?

33 Living in a swamp meant they had to build their homes out of mud and reeds or transport wood/stone from the mainland.

34 Match the social pyramid to the civilization it belongs to. Nobles Commoners Emperor & Nobles Merchants & Artisans Commoners Kings Noble/Priests Peasants Slaves

35 Nobles Commoners Kings Noble/Priests Peasants Slaves Emperor & Nobles Merchants & Artisans Commoners AztecsMayansIncas

36 Why did the Mayan civilization decline?

37 Unknown reasons – famine, disease, war, etc.

38 Which of the MAI civilizations were conquered by the Spanish?

39 Aztecs & Incas

40 What were the Spanish invaders known as?

41 Conquistadors

42 Who conquered the Aztecs? The Incas?

43 Aztecs – Hernan Cortes Incas – Francisco Pizarro

44 Why were the Spanish able to defeat the Aztecs & Incas?

45 Guns, germs, & steel

46 This civilization built a large network of roads to keep its empire together.

47 Incas

48 What did the Incas do to preserve their dead rulers?

49 Mummify them

50 What did the Mayans use for observatories to study the stars?

51 Their pyramids

52 Both the Aztecs and Mayans used ______ to keep track of time

53 Stone calendars

54 Name 3 Incan achievements and explain their significance

55 Achievements: Large road network, quipu, built cities/buildings without using cement or mortar, terracing, etc.

56 Mexico City is located over the ruins of the Aztec capital of _______.

57 Tenochtitlan

58 Name the capital of the Inca empire

59 Cuzco

60 What social class were most Mayan rulers from?

61 Priest

62 Incan messengers were known as __________.

63 Chasquis

64 Give 2 details that all the MAI civilizations had in common with each other.

65 -Made sacrifices -Polytheistic -Relied on agriculture -Used calendars to keep track of seasons

66 Make your wager

67 Final Answer

68 Final Question

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