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Respiratory System. Lesson 6 vocabulary trachea – the tube through which air moves from your throat to your chest; the windpipe bronchial tubes – two.

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1 Respiratory System

2 Lesson 6 vocabulary trachea – the tube through which air moves from your throat to your chest; the windpipe bronchial tubes – two branches of the trachea, which go into the lungs alveoli – small, hollow air sacs inside your lungs

3 inhalation – is the process in which the air enters the lungs exhalation – is the process in which the air leaves the lungs breathing – moving air in and out of the lungs diaphragm – is a muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen, helps to also force air out of the lungs

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6 1. Lesson 6 notes 1. Organs that help you breathe make up the respiratory system – draws air into your lungs, takes oxygen from the air for your body to use, helps remove carbon dioxide

7 2. How does air travel to your lungs –a. Air comes into your body through your nose and mouth –b. It then enters your throat (pharynx) to your voice box (larynx) –c. From this point it moves through a pipe called the trachea, or windpipe –d. The trachea is divided at the end into 2 branches called bronchial tubes or bronchi

8 –e. Air moves into your lungs through these tubes, which branch into smaller tubes (bronchioles), which lead to tiny air sacs called alveoli –f. In the lungs (sponge like) i. Air you breathe in fills up the alveoli ii. Oxygen passes from the alveoli into the capillaries iii. RBC in the capillaries pick up the oxygen iv. Your blood takes the oxygen to the rest of your cells

9 –g. Deoxygenated blood i. Blood delivers oxygen and picks up carbon dioxide given off by your cells ii. Carbon dioxide moves through the body to the capillaries in the alveoli and into the lungs iii. It then leaves the body when you breathe out

10 3. The breathing process –a. Breathing – moving air in and out of the lungs –b. Breathing involves both inhalation and exhalation –c. Inhalation – is the process in which the air enters the lungs –d. Exhalation – is the process in which the air leaves the lungs –e. Inhalation occurs when the diaphragm contracts and the rib cage expands –f. Diaphragm – is a muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen, helps to also force air out of the lungs

11 4. How does your body clean the air you breathe? –a. Hairs in your nose being the cleaning by screening out some particles –b. Sticky mucus traps more i. this lines your nasal passages and the walls of your trachea and bronchial tubes ii. it may trap germs and other harmful matter... like pollen

12 –c. Trachea and bronchial tubes have tiny hairs called cilia i. Cilia wave quickly back and forth and push mucus that has trapped dirt and dust up toward your throat –d. When you swallow, much of the mucus passes into the digestive system

13 Review Lesson 6 What does your respiratory system do? What is the job of the alveoli? How is the air you breathe cleaned by the respiratory system?

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