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Experiences of SUNET Hans Wallberg Subcontracting Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Experiences of SUNET Hans Wallberg Subcontracting Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experiences of SUNET Hans Wallberg Subcontracting Services

2 February 3 2009 - #2 SUNET The Swedish National Research and Education Network  Purpose:  Provide universities with national and international connectivity of high class  Provide networking services  Key factors:  Availability  Capacity  No bottleneck

3 February 3 2009 - #3  All universities and university colleges (32), nationwide, connected with 1 or 10 Gbit/s (redundant)  Used by all personnel, such as:  Researchers  Teachers  Administrative personnel  Technical personnel  Students  etc.  Central govt. museums (12) and art schools (17) connected with 100 Mbit/s or 1 Gbit/s  External organizations (30+), such as research councils, with close relations to universities and colleges Users of Sunet

4 February 3 2009 - #4 The Organisational structure of SUNET  SUNET is administered by the Swedish Research Council  SUNET does not employ any personnel  SUNET buys services from universities and other organisations  SUNET is managed by a Board with representatives from the universities  The Board is assisted by a technical reference group

5 February 3 2009 - #5 SUNET ORGANISATION CTO CEO Board NOC CERT Services Admin. Swedish national research Council Hans Wallberg Börje Josefsson

6 February 3 2009 - #6 Funding of SUNET  SUNET is partly funded by the Ministry of Education, Research and Culture (4 MEuro/year)  The universities have to pay what the ministry doesn’t pay.  That fee is distributed according to the size of the university (~10 MEuro/year in total)  Basic network and services  Special connections paid separately  Other organizations have to pay a fee that is proportional to the capacity of their connection

7 February 3 2009 - #7 SUNET transmission capacity 1000 10 k 100 k 1 M 10 M 1 G 10 G 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1200 9600 64 K 2 M 34 M 155 M 622 M 10 G Hybrid 2 x traffic every year since 1980… 100 G

8 February 3 2009 - #8 The Mission of SUNET  The foundation for cooperation  Between Swedish universities  Between Swedish researchers and the researchers in the rest of the world  Necessary research infrastructure  Necessary infrastructure for higher education  Enabling infrastructure for innovation

9 February 3 2009 - #9 SUNET doesn’t employ any personnel  A requirement from the universities  Initially when the universities had to start paying for SUNET  Still a strong requirement from the universities  The universities don’t accept an organisation that exists and grows “for its own sake”  For SUNET it means:  No personnel management  Has to subcontract everything ...

10 February 3 2009 - #10 All Services are Subcontracted !  My work as manager and responsible for coordination and development (CEO)  Subcontracted to the university of Umeå already in 1989  Successful (according to my own biased judgement)  The function as technical coordinator (CTO)  Subcontracted to the Technical University of Luleå  Very successful  Board secretary, administrative functions, etc  Subcontracted to the Swedish Research Council  Perfect arrangement  Cheap, efficient and formally correct

11 February 3 2009 - #11 International connectivity, etc.  Subcontracted to NORDUnet A/S in Denmark  International connectivity  International representation on behalf of the Nordic NREN’s  Coordination of network research related activities  Network and eInfrastructure Services  A success story from the beginning  Good Nordic Cooperation  Synergies  Efficient use of scarce resources  Politically correct (within the Nordic countries)

12 February 3 2009 - #12 Operations  Subcontracted to NUNOC  NUNOC is the Operations organization established by NORDUnet.  24x7  Operates and supports Optical and IP network infrastructures  Provides other networking services  SUNET-IRT  SUNET-DNS  Domain name registration and IP number admin  SUNET-news  SUNET-distribution list service  eduroam  etc.  Very successful  Builds on experiences from  KTHNOC  A commercial company (Telia for first level operations)

13 February 3 2009 - #13 Other services  SUNET-CERT  University of Uppsala  The SUNET Archive (  University of Uppsala  SUNET e-Meeting Service  Technical University of Luleå  Middleware development  SWAMI - Swedish Alliance for Middleware Infrastructure  eduroam  SUNET SCS  Swedish University PKI – SWUPKI  Identity federation  General Model for Authorization Information

14 February 3 2009 - #14 Experiences  The start of new service can be slow  Select service provider  Make agreements  Develop  Deliver  Requires a dedicated person  Management and coordination  Formal reports  No day to day contacts  Innovation in existing services tend to be low  Terminate service  Easy and quick  No formal responsibility for staff  Low cost  Competition  Low overhead

15 February 3 2009 - #15 Conclusion  SUNET subcontracts everything  It works well in the Swedish university environment  We haven’t tested anything else

16 February 3 2009 - #16 Questions?

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