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Unit 2 Every family will have a small plane.. On Saturday she will listen to music.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2 Every family will have a small plane.. On Saturday she will listen to music."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2 Every family will have a small plane.

2 On Saturday she will listen to music.

3 On Saturday I will stay at home.

4 On Saturday I will play computer games.

5 On Saturday they will have a picnic.

6 On Saturday she will do her homework.

7 On Sunday she will see a movie.

8 He will check his email on Sunday afternoon.

9 On Sunday she will help with the housework.


11 comfortable uncomfortable

12 ¥ 20,000,000 ¥ 1,000 expensive cheap

13 difficult easy 12 + 10 22

14 good bad

15 cold hot

16 large small

17 new old

18 lightheavy

19 smooth rough

20 cheap – comfortable – easy – good – hot – interesting – large – expensive uncomfortable difficult bad cold dull small Write the words which mean the opposite.

21 light – new – rough – short – strong – warm – heavy old smooth long weak cool Write the words which mean the opposite.

22 computer, Internet strong winds, rough sea farm, machine, farmer air land job machine rain robot sea space traffic jam wind Talk about what you can see. Use the words and expressions from the box to help you.

23 big plane, small car house, sun

24 Listen and match the pictures with the paragraphs. DBAC


26 Match the paragraphs with these headings. Weather Clothes Jobs Travel Weather Clothes Jobs Travel D A C B

27 1. People have to change clothes in hot weather. 2. The weather will be warm in spring. 3. A lot of people will travel by plane so there will be traffic jams in the air. 4. People will have long holidays because machines will do heavy work. Read and check the true sentences. √ √ × √

28 1. Why won’t a change of weather mean a change of clothes? 2. Why will the sea level rise? Read again and answer the questions. Because we will wear a new kind of clothes. The clothes will be warm when we’re cold, and cool when we’re hot. Because it will be hot with heavy rain all year.

29 4. Why will there be traffic jams in the air? 5. Why will no one do heavy work? Because we’ll travel everywhere by plane. Because machines will do all the heavy and difficult jobs. 3. Why won’t they travel by bus or bike any more? Because every family will have a small plane.

30 1. The weather will be quite warm or even hot all year, with heavy rain and wind. heavy rain 这是一种固定用法。英语中在形容 “ 天气 ” 、 “ 雨 ” 、 “ 雪 ” 、 “ 云 ” 、 “ 雾 ” 、 “ 霜 ” 、 “ 湿气 ” 、 “ 雷 ” 、 “ 波浪 ” 等词时,通常用 heavy ,而不是 按照汉语的 “ 大 (big) 、小 (small)” 来表达。 big 在 英语中通常指体积的大小。如: Will there be heavy rain tomorrow? 明天会下大雨吗? Our classroom is very big. 我们教室很大。 Language points

31 2. Machines and robots will do all the heavy and difficult jobs, and we’ll only do light and easy work. job 意为 “ 工作 ”, 是可数名词。如 : I will get a new job in Beijing. 我将会在北京找份新工作。 Why do you want this job? 你为什么想要这份工作?

32 【链接】 work 也意为 “ 工作 ”, 但用法上与 job 有 区别。 从语法角度讲 : job 是可数名词, work 是不可 数名词; job 只能作名词, work 既可作名词又可 作动词。如 : I want to find a new job. ( 可数名词 ) 我想找一份新工作。 I’m busy today because I have a lot of work to do. ( 不可数名词 ) 今天我很忙, 因为我有很多工作要做。 My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital. ( 动词 ) 我父亲是一名医生, 他在医院工作。

33 从语义上讲 : work 通常指抽象的体力或脑 力劳动, 而 job 指具体的 “ 活儿, 工作 ” 。如 : I like gardens too, but I don’t like hard work. 我也喜欢花园, 但是我不喜欢辛苦的劳动。 His job is to repair bikes. 他的工作就是修理自行车。

34 Work in pairs. Talk about life in the future. --- I think everyone will have a small plane so travelling will be easy. --- Yes, but I think there will be traffic jams in the air.

35 Complete the sentence with so. Working hours will be short. People will have long holidays. Working hours will be short so people will have long holiday. 1.Everyone will have a plane so … 2.The weather will get hot so … 3.Machines and robots will do the heavy and difficult jobs so …

36 1. Every family will have a plane so… Every family will have a plane so travelling will be easy.

37 2. The weather will get hot so … The weather will get hot so the iceberg will melt and the sea level will rise as well.

38 3. Machines and robots will do the heavy and difficult jobs so … Machines and robots will do the heavy and difficult jobs so people will only do light and easy work.

39 1.People in the north often go skating in winter. (next winter) 2. There are two cinemas in that town. (next year) People in the north will go skating next winter. There will be two cinemas in that town next year. Rewrite the following sentences.

40 3. He comes back late. (in two days) 4. She is a conductor of a train. (soon) 5. Li Ming is ten years old. (next year) He will come back late in two days She will be a conductor of a train soon. Li Ming will be ten years old next year.

41 Try to write a short passage about what your family will be like in the future.

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