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Human Sexuality Contraception and Birth Control. Contraception Historical Perspectives:  Issues of access and education.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Sexuality Contraception and Birth Control. Contraception Historical Perspectives:  Issues of access and education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Sexuality Contraception and Birth Control

2 Contraception Historical Perspectives:  Issues of access and education

3 Pregnancy in the United States Typical American woman: 39 years of an 80 year lifespan- biological risk of pregnancy (Hatcher, 2004)

4 Pregnancy in the U.S. Half of all pregnancies are intended Half of unintended pregnancies are terminated by abortion (Guttmacher Institute, 2005)

5 Chance of Conception Intercourse 1 day before ovulation: 30% Day of ovulation: 15% Over one year, couples who do not use birth control: 90% chance of conception

6 Contraception: Risk and Responsibility Most consistent users of contraception: men and women who explicitly discuss it

7 Risk and Responsibility Greatest risk for not using contraception:  casual dating partners  those whom infrequently discuss contraception

8 Contraception The more education a couple has, they more likely they are to discuss family planning (Guttmacher Institute, 2005)

9 Psychology of Risk Taking The more frequently a person takes chances with unprotected sex, the more likely he/she is to do so again  Risk taking may be reinforced

10 Psychology of Risk Taking Faulty information about pregnancy and disease Discomfort with sexuality  Especially for the young and inexperienced  “it just happened”

11 Psychology of Risk Taking Difficulty obtaining contraception:  Embarrassment  Youth  Lack of insurance

12 Methods of Contraception Barrier methods Spermicides Hormonal methods Intrauterine devices

13 Birth Control Pills Synthetic estrogen/progesterone 99.7% effective when used correctly Typical use rate: 92%

14 Condom Use 98% effective with perfect use Use effectiveness: 85%  Recent research: nonoxynol-9

15 Emergency Contraception Taking large doses of hormones within 72- 120 hours of intercourse Prevents pregnancy from occurring  Different from the abortion pill

16 Emergency Contraception Over-the-counter? Developmental concerns: adolescent girls

17 Discussion Plan B article:  Pregnancy prevention (prevents fertilization)  Social, behavioral, and ethical issues

18 Reproductive Rights: Historical Perspective Roe v. Wade: 1973- right to abortion; consistent with constitutional right to protect privacy Webster v. Reproductive Rights: 1989- states were granted the right to limit access to abortion

19 Reproductive Rights: Historical Perspectives 1992: Planned Parenthood v. Casey: states can require a 24 hour waiting period before a woman can obtain an abortion  Parental notification for girls under 18

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