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ASSESSMENT OF PRECONCEPTION HEALTH MEASURES : Identification of suspected health risks such as exposure to radiation, drugs, chemical hazards,smoking,over.

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3 ASSESSMENT OF PRECONCEPTION HEALTH MEASURES : Identification of suspected health risks such as exposure to radiation, drugs, chemical hazards,smoking,over the counter medications,

4 Physical examination - Identify high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, HIV/AIDS Anaemia, colitis, family history of genetic disorders,RH incompatability.

5  Contraception measures,Identification of congenital anomaley of uterus  Exercise, Rest &Sleep.  Preparation of grand parents &Siblings  Parenting classes.

6  Advanced Maternal Age.  People who have or may have an inherited disorder or birth defect  Women who have had three or more Miscarriages

7  History of Still born.  Child with an inherited disorder.  Birth defect &mental Retardation.  Genetic conditions more prevalent in their ethinic group.

8  Couples who are first cousins or Close blood relatives.  Ultrasound or blood test indicates the pregnancy may be at risk.

9  The substances that are transported from the mother to the foetus include glucose, amino acids, maternal antibodies, Oxygen  waste products such as co 2, bilirubin from the Liver.

10  Protein must be Stored during pregnancy to maintain a constant level within the breast milk and to avoid depletion of maternal tissues

11  I Trimester weight gain – 1.6 to 2.3 kgs.  II&III Trimester weight gain- 5.5 to 6.8 kgs.  Obese women weight gain- 7 kgs.  250- 300kcal\ day. Protein-60g\day.

12  The foetus begins active Listening by the 24 th week.  Prenate gives special attention to parents voice.  If exposed to Loud noise or music foetal heart rate is Accelerated.

13  Casper(1983) provided evidence that Newborn learned and remembered their mothers heart beat in utero.  Breathing was deeper and regular among these babies.

14  Chamberlin(1998) proved that these babies Register this information in their minds and memory.( Teaching the foetus in utero)  The mothers who had higher oxytocin levels in their I Trimester were more likely to exhibit more bonding behaviours.

15  Unterstand what preterm babies may hear.  Know that sound may stimulate a six months old baby.  Preborn baby may sense.  Preborn baby may think.  Foetus form attitudes about life

16  Understand the stress hormone link.  Consider the long term effects of your emotions.  Grow a healthy foetus.

17  Yes the foetus has the right to live.  Foetus is considered as a Non-person.  Foetus has no legal claim to protect.  Abortion is not a murder.

18  In (1994) the Govt of India passed the pre conception and prenatal diagnostic Techniques prohibition of sex selection Act.

19 Thank you

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