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Allusion A reference in a work of literature to a character, a place, or a situation from history or from music, art, or another work of literature. A.

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Presentation on theme: "Allusion A reference in a work of literature to a character, a place, or a situation from history or from music, art, or another work of literature. A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Allusion A reference in a work of literature to a character, a place, or a situation from history or from music, art, or another work of literature. A passing or casual reference; an incidental mention of something, either directly or by implication.

2 Example of Allusion "As the cave's roof collapsed, he was swallowed up in the dust like Jonah, and only his frantic scrabbling behind a wall of rock indicated that there was anyone still alive". This is referring to Jonah from Jonah and the Whale, which is supposed to give you the image of being 'swallowed alive.'

3 Example of Allusion “Ally didn't like to spend money. She was no Scrooge, but she seldom purchased anything except the bare necessities". This is a reference/ allusion to Scrooge from Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol.

4 Example of Allusion “In an episode of The Simpsons, forty years in the future, Bart the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court takes Homer to a movie. In the snack bar soylent green is sold. The allusion is to Soylent Green a 1973 movie. In that movie soylent green is a food made for starving people in the future. Soylent Green is made out of people.

5 Explain the Allusion

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