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2010/11 Strategic Plan and Budget Allocation Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration Prof. LS Mollo Acting Director-General.

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Presentation on theme: "2010/11 Strategic Plan and Budget Allocation Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration Prof. LS Mollo Acting Director-General."— Presentation transcript:

1 2010/11 Strategic Plan and Budget Allocation Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration Prof. LS Mollo Acting Director-General 17 March 2010, Cape Town

2 2 Presentation outline 1.Purpose 2.Mandate of PALAMA 3.Background and context 4.PALAMA’s outcomes-based approach 5.Minister’s ten-point priorities for PALAMA 6.PALAMA’s key outputs 7.Financial allocations 8.Performance challenges 9.Conclusion Annexure: PALAMA Strategic Plan (2010/11-2012/13)

3 3 1. Purpose To brief the members of the Portfolio Committee on PALAMA’s Strategic Plan and budget for 2010/11:  Mandate of the Academy  2010/11 annual performance plan  2010/11 financial allocations

4 4 2. Mandate of PALAMA In terms of the Public Service Act of 1994, as amended:  There shall be a training institution listed as a Schedule 1 national department;  The management and administration of such institution shall be under the control of the Minister for Public Service and Administration;  Such institution: -Shall provide such training or cause such training to be provided or conduct such examinations or tests or cause such examinations or tests to be conducted as the Head of the institute may with the approval of the Minister decide or as may be prescribed as a qualification for the appointment or transfer of persons in or to the public service; -May issue diplomas or certificates or cause diplomas or certificates to be issued to persons who have passed such examinations

5 5 3. Background and context (1) Five plus two priorities of government  The five priorities are: - Creation of decent work and sustainable livelihoods - Basic education - Health - Rural development - Fight against crime and corruption  Two additional priorities are: -Human settlements -Local government

6 6 3. Background and context (2) 2010 shall be THE YEAR OF ACTION  Working together we can do more -Make government more caring, more responsive, and more interactive -Knows where people live, understands their needs, responds faster  Building a developmental state -Build technical capacity of the public service -Inculcate a service ethos, and citizen centred values and attributes  Building and strengthening local government -Strong and sustained links with communities -Ensure professional competence

7 7 3. Background and context (3) 2010 shall be THE YEAR OF ACTION  Building public sector cadres who can: -Deliver services to the people -Show a caring attitude in dealing with citizens -Earnestly listen to people’s concerns -Truthfully reflect people’s wishes -Sincerely help address people’s hardships -Do more to speed up effective services to the people PALAMA is central to building public sector capacity for a developmental state to ensure service delivery

8 8 4. PALAMA’s outcomes-based approach Outcome 12: An efficient, effective and development-oriented public sector OutputsMetrics/ IndicatorsKey Activities Required 5. Public sector cadre development  Funding public sector training  Minimum public sector training  Mandatory development- oriented training  Integrated national public sector training system  Establish comprehensive funding model for public sector training linked to skills development legislation to replace cost-recovery approach  Set minimum levels of training per annum for public sector officials in specific competency areas  Identify required core skills and introduce mandatory development-oriented training  Introduce a national integrated public sector training system for government covering the three spheres of government  Streamline the government-wide institutional landscape for public sector training

9 9 5. Minister’s ten-point priorities for PALAMA 1.Public sector cadre development programme 2.Ethics, anti-corruption and administrative justice training 3.Management and leadership development 4.Breaking barriers to public service employment 5.Human, financial, project and programme management 6.Building the capacity of public servants to implement programmes through skills development and deployment to the coal face of service delivery 7.Frontline and support staff training 8.Support local government turn-around strategy through training 9.Monitoring and evaluation training 10.Continental and international capacity building

10 10 6. PALAMA’s key outputs (1) Ministerial PriorityKey outputs for PALAMA 1.Public sector cadre development programme  Design and develop 5 courses aimed at inculcating attributes of a public sector cadre  Integrate professional learning and career pathways for public sector cadre development 2.Ethics, anti- corruption and administrative justice training  Continue the roll-out of administrative justice training  Continue the roll-out of ethics management training  Design and develop an anti-corruption course 3.Management and leadership development  Design, develop and deliver 3 executive courses  Review and update executive development learning framework  Conduct an evaluation of the Executive Development Programme to assess impact on service delivery

11 11 6. PALAMA’s key outputs (2) Ministerial PriorityKey outputs for PALAMA 4.Breaking barriers to public service employment  Break Barriers to Entry programme by training 1,000 unemployed graduates 5.Human, financial, project and programme management  Design and develop 10 e-learning courses  Design and develop 2 learning programmes focusing on generic government competencies 6.Building the capacity of public servants to implement programmes through skills development and deployment to the coal face of service delivery  Design and roll-out Project Khaedu core skills and deployment programmes for middle and senior managers 7.Frontline and support staff training  Train all new public servants on public service induction

12 12 6. PALAMA’s key outputs (3) Ministerial PriorityKey outputs for PALAMA 8.Support local government turn- around strategy through training  Design and develop a capacity building programme targeting local government  Build partnerships with national, provincial and local government departments 9.Monitoring and evaluation training  Continue the roll-out of monitoring and evaluation training courses 10.Continental and international capacity building  Convene three capacity building workshops for better implementation of donor funded projects  Champion continental capacity building programmes

13 13 7. Financial allocations Vote 11: Estimate of National Expenditure (2010/11-2012/13) VOTE (R’000) 10/11 MTEF 11/12 MTEF 12/13 MTEF Compensation of Employees24, 07225, 50326, 777 Good and Services35, 95435, 36735, 630 Capital Assets Transfer to Trading Entity 1, 8912, 0342, 135 55, 55354, 66157, 180 Total117, 470117, 567121, 722 TRADE Revenue (mainly from course fees) Transfer (from Vote Account) 61, 62071, 36876, 404 55, 55354, 66157, 180 Total Revenue117, 173126, 029133, 584 Compensation of Employees Good and Services 59, 44463, 01066, 475 56, 55161, 75365, 755 Total Expenditure115, 995124, 763132, 230 Surplus1, 1781, 2661, 354

14 14 8. Performance challenges  There is a risk of the Academy not being able to meet its performance targets due to the FIFA 2010 Soccer World Cup impact on training bookings -Correspondence sent to departments advising them of the need to book early  The current cost recovery model is expensive and could reduce training up-take and revenue generation -No course fee increase for 2010/11

15 15 9. Conclusion Further transformation of PALAMA underway to align the organisational strategy and business model to government priorities

16 16 Thank you!

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