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Think Big – Start Small Hal Christensen Christensen/Roberts Solutions June 13, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Think Big – Start Small Hal Christensen Christensen/Roberts Solutions June 13, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Think Big – Start Small Hal Christensen Christensen/Roberts Solutions June 13, 2013

2 2 AGENDA What is Performance Support? Why Performance Support? Why now? Performance Support Models Think Big – Start Small

3 3 Training vs Performance Support During Training, workers acquire knowledge. They learn the knowledge, store it in memory, retrieve it later on the job During Performance, workers apply knowledge. They retrieve the knowledge, apply it directly to the job at hand, within the flow of the work

4 4 The underlying assumptions of formal training are that workers will: Learn all they need to know in their training courses Store in memory all they have learned Retrieve all they need to know at the Point of Performance Continue to rely on the same knowledge over time Training Assumptions

5 5 But what happens if they don’t or can’t? The underlying assumptions of formal training are that workers will: Learn all they need to know in their training courses Store in memory all they have learned Retrieve all they need to know at the Point of Performance Continue to rely on the same knowledge over time

6 6 Time Gap Competence Performance Gaps Training invariably leaves gaps between the workers' performance and the performance the organization needs. What Organizations Need What Training Delivers

7 7 A Typical Workplace Today The Workplace Maze

8 8 The Challenge It’s time to face today’s reality-- The amount of knowledge workers need today in order to do their work successfully exceeds the amount they are able learn and recall.

9 9 The Challenge It’s time to face today’s reality-- The amount of knowledge workers need today in order to do their work successfully exceeds the amount they are able learn and recall. Put another way, we are continually asking workers to do tasks they do not know how to do.

10 10 One Option

11 11 One Option Refined What if we made use of Outsourced Memory instead of only human memory?

12 12 My Favorite Vulcan

13 13 Performance without Memorization

14 14

15 15 Accessible Contextual Actionable Current PS: Cookbook on Steroids Today’s technologies can make the cookbook even more powerful

16 16 Precise instructions, guidance, and tools delivered to workers directly at the Point of Performance to make it easier for them to get their work done as effectively and efficiently as possible. This is done by facilitating workers’ path through the work maze, either by removing the walls and barriers or by assisting/guiding/coaching them through the path to their destination. What is Performance Support?

17 17 Benefits of Performance Support If you make it easier for people to get their work done, good things must follow: A higher level of employee effectiveness Competent performance sustained over time Significantly reduced ramp-up time Improved management, employee, and customer satisfaction Stronger bottom line

18 18 The Sidekick Model The Planner / Toolkit Model Self-Development / Coaching Model Performance Support Models

19 19 The Sidekick Model Performance Support Models Generally supports procedures Directly applicable to the task at hand Commonly used to support tasks within a computer application

20 20 The Planner / Toolkit Model Performance Support Models Generally supports processes and interconnected tasks Commonly used to support planning activities before an event or follow-up tasks after an event Includes numerous tools (checklists, tips, decision trees, templates, etc.) to reduce the amount of learning required

21 21 The Self-Development / Coaching Model Performance Support Models Integrates process and procedural help (Sidekicks and Planners) with self-development activities competency and skill development coaching/mentoring Supports goal-setting and reflective journaling

22 22 Accessible Contextual Actionable Current Performance Support Attributes

23 23 Create a Proof of Concept Cookbook metaphor (Make it easier for workers to get their work done) Use low-cost tools and existing content where possible Demonstrate the value and benefits of the PS solution Sell up Think Big - Start Small

24 Hal Christensen Christensen/Roberts Solutions Introduction to Performance Support Solutions

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