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“Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful energies of success. When you do a thing, do it with all your might. Put your whole Soul into it. Stamp it with.

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Presentation on theme: "“Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful energies of success. When you do a thing, do it with all your might. Put your whole Soul into it. Stamp it with."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful energies of success. When you do a thing, do it with all your might. Put your whole Soul into it. Stamp it with your own personality. Be active, be Energetic and faithful, and you will accomplish your objective. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” Ralph Waldo Emerson Regards, Robin Presidential Perspective Official Education Partner Inside this issue: From the Desk of the President 1 Alhambra: 9 to 5 Event2 Alhambra: Christmas Carol Event3 Treasurer’s Note & Our BEEZY BEES!! 4-6 Networking Give and Take: What Does it Really Mean?7 About FCAP & Welcome New Members8 Program Fees 9 Announcements and Team Standings 10 Who Am I? 11 50/50 Winners and Birthdays 12 Support our Meal Sponsors 13 Meetings and Events 14 Robin Henderson, CAP-OM 2014-2015 President Happy Turkey Day, Issue #8 -2015 – AUGUST First Coast Administrative Professionals P. O. Box 19931 Jacksonville, FL 32246 First Coast Administrative Professionals, Inc. is officially an incorporated entity in the State of Florida! This is a huge step toward the infrastructure we have been working on for many months. In the works is still our not-for-profit status which we hope will be coming soon. In the meantime, bask in the glory of this milestone. This month Judy DiGeorgio is our educational speaker. Come prepared to learn how to enhance your networking skills. Judy is a professional Networker. Plan to attend and take advantage of this timely discussion. We are currently look for members who are interested in leader- ship development and willing to take on a challenging role with the organization. You can hold a position, be a committee manager, or work on a single project. Tickets are still on sale for the two shows at Alhambra :September 26 th is 9 to 5 Musical and then December 12 is A Christmas Carole. Payment options are available for everyone. This is the last of the Fundraisers for FCAP this year so be sure to come out and help support us. The newsletter secret word contest is back on. Somewhere inside This issue you will find the tricky word that could earn you $5. Good luck!

2 2 ALHAMBRA - September 26 Event !

3 3 ALHAMBRA - December 12 Event!

4 Hey There – from Shirley Durrant, CAP-OM - Treasurer 4



7 Networking Give and Take: What Does it Really Mean? 7 We often hear that networking and other relationships are about give and take, but what does that really mean? Networking is often likened to a bank account. When you open a bank account, you first have to make a deposit before you can withdraw any money. Even today with overdraft protection, that is a temporary measure for emergencies, and at some point, to balance your account, you have to make a substantial deposit. So it is with your relationships, you have to first make deposits before you can make any withdrawals - you have to give before you can make any withdrawals. – you have to give before you can take. During emergencies when you have to take far more than you have given, later, you have to make a concerted effort to put more ‘give’ into the relationship and ‘take’ less. So what does all of this have to do with job seekers? A lot!! Time and time again, studies have shown that the most common way for job candidates to find employment is by networking. Therefore, understanding how networking works is critical to the job search process. The concept of give and take is so important that Adam Grant, a professor at the Wharton School of Business, researched the topic. According to Grant, the givers and takers are at two extremes, “The takers are people who, when they walk into an interaction with another person, are trying to get as much as possible from that persona and contribute as little as they can in return, thinking that’s the shortest and most direct path to achieving their own goals.” On the other hand he adds, “We have this strange breed of people that I call “givers.” It’s not about donating money or volunteering necessarily, but looking to help others by making an introduction, giving advice, providing mentoring or sharing knowledge without any strings attached. These givers actually prefer to be on the contributing end of an interaction.” And Grant’s research supports the fact that the way to success is by giving – not taking! Therefore, whenever fcap you meet interesting people at networking events, to follow-up and start giving to the relationship, do what Grant calls the 5-minute favor, which is asking yourself, “What value can I add for this person by spending five minutes or less?” When you have your answer, do exactly that. What this research means, is that job seekers have to find ways to be of service to others, so that they are top-of-the-mind when employment opportunities arise. Give and take in action also means going through your contact list to determine which of your contacts need to meet each other, mentoring others with less experience, sharing important knowledge and information with your contacts. Even Though you are being helpful without any strings attached, the law of reciprocity comes Into play, and those you have given to, will want to return the favor. Read more about Adam Grant’s research on Givers and Takers. Posted to: Career+WorkCareer+Work Topics: Job Search TipsJob Search Tips

8 The annual dues are $75 plus a one-time $5 processing fee = $80. Renewal dates for 2016 will be based on your ‘join’ date in 2014/2015 and only $75! Visit our website: – register online @ ht p:// _Application.pdf Then you’ll definitely want to know about FCAP’s New Member Incentive Program! Each member that sponsors a guest who joins *FCAP will receive $10 CASH! to be awarded the month after the guest becomes a member. PLUS You will automatically be entered into the quarterly drawing for $25 cash! One entry for each new member sponsored during April - July. Drawing to be held at August 20, 2015 Meeting. The more new members sponsored, the greater your chance of winning! * FCAP new member means dues must be paid in full to qualify. About FCAP! 8 Already a Member? Remember to bring guests and share the FCAP career enhancement and learning opportunities! Welcome our newest FCAP Members!! Congratulations to our Sponsors!! Sponsored By: Imelda Losenara, Brooks Rehabilitation July 18 Jay Goff Lauren Creel-Zuravnsky, Brooks Rehabilitation July 28 Sue Hermiston

9 PROGRAM FEES OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM FEE REMINDER Members are provided with eleven (11) educational programs a year with speakers from UNF’s Continuing Education Division. To help defray the costs incurred, there is a $5.00 program fee assessed at each meeting. We offer the options for paying our program fees. Please choose the one that works best for you. Use the form below and bring with you to the July 18 th meeting. Our sign in sheet will be coded based on those paying semi- annually and/or annually. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions? Contact Julie Smith, Vice Chairman, at (904) 610-2050 or Educational Program Fee Form Print Name: __________________________________ Option: (Please check one.) For semi-annual and annual options, please make check payable to FCAP. $ 5 monthly: (bring to ea. meeting) $20: August – November; no charge for Dec. meeting Year 2016 $30.00: Jan. – June (1 st semi-annual payment) $25.00: __ July – November (2 nd semi-annual payment) OR $55.00: __ For the Year! 9

10 Team Attendance Contest – Phase II It’s time to start PHASE II of our Team Attendance Contest!! Below are the new teams, as well as the months they need to choose someone as their “Who Am I?” Don’t forget these important dates!! Aug 8 – Networking Luncheon – TBD Sep 26 – Alhambra - “9 to 5” Musical Dec 12 – Alhambra - “Christmas Carole“ Announcements & Team Standings 10 Team Captains Go Getters Optimistics Comeback KidsMagnificents Newsletter Mo.: October Feb. 2016 Newsletter Mo.: September Jan., 2016 Newsletter Mo.: August – Winona Goff December Newsletter Mo.: July – Kinita King November Anissa Baker Brenda Minier Adrianne ColyerCaroline Fleet Debbie Latek Carmen Simkanich Cathy Kilpatrick – June Team Captain Christina Bennett Georgia McGlendon Denise Pusateri Daphne ColbertDeb Davis Jan MacLean Felicia Miller Ellie HolmanDenise Brzozowski Judy DiGeorgio Jay Goff March Spotlight! & Team Captain Kelly RigdonJodi Tygrest Lakisha Jackson Josie Vasay Liz GantJulie Smith Lana Milesevic Kelly Holland Lori SwitzerKaren Falco Linda Gail Rowe Linda Cason April Spotlight! Lori Washington Kinita King – July spotlight Sue Hermiston Feb. Spotlight! Linda Montonera Robin Henderson Linda Johnson – Team Captain Shirley Durrant Sarah Schultz Winona Goff – August Spotlight Maria Moral Felicia Brinkley - NEWImelda Losenara - NEWLauren Zuravnsky - NEWMary Gillette Tammy Moore – Team Captain Terri Nearmyer May Spotlight! Sue Kluxzewski Tiffany Phillips - NEW Sub-Total (12) Team Standings: 3 3 6 2

11 11 Who Am I? – Meet Winona Goff! Winona Goff “Comeback Kids Team” Publix Super Markets

12 All members and guests are welcome to participate in our monthly 50/50 program: Purchase one ticket for $1 or 6 tickets for only $5! Winner of the drawing gets to take home HALF THE CASH! 50/50 winners and amounts..... Below are some of our lucky winners: 2014: JuneDenise Brzozowski$19.00 JulyWinona Goff$18.00 August Denise Brzozowski $15.00 September Kinita King$23.00 October Terri Nearmyer$14.00 November Linda Montonera$22.50 2015: January Sue Hermiston$19.50 February Tammy Moore$26.50 March Maria Moral$23.00 April Denise Brzozowski$22.00 May Terri Nearmyer$18.50 June Lori Switzer$24.00 July Tammy Moore$25.50 $1 per ticket OR $5 for SIX tickets 12 Happy Birthday! August 8/2Georgia McClendon 8/25Judy DiGeorgio 8/30Lori Switzer “ It’s extremely important to look at both what we know from a research perspective and what we get from the field and from people in practice.” Howard Spivak

13 Please Remember our Meal Sponsors! 4375 Southside Blvd. 904-620-0707 7035 Philips Hwy. 904-738-5415 904-262-4187 4347 University Blvd. South 904-731-1888 1607 University Blvd. W. 904-732-7200 1076 Hendricks Ave. 904-396-0528 9810 Baymeadows Rd.. 904-645-5747 8129 Point Meadows Way 904-493=7427 As you and/or your family and friends visit any of our wonderful meal sponsor locations, please be sure to let them know you are a representative of our First Coast Administrative Professionals Association! This is the only way they know WE SUPPORT AND RECOMMEND THEM! SIMPLY PRINT 1 ST Coast Admin. Prof. on the receipt or attach a business card if you have them. Thank you! 13

14 UPCOMING MEETINGS & EVENTS Board of Directors MeetingsMember Meetings Events and Activities Let us know what topics you would like instructors to come and share with us for 2016!! 14 Remember to bring guest(s) and sponsor new members for CASH awards at meetings! MARK YOU CALENDARS NOW! Administrative Professional’s Day Luncheon is Wednesday, April 27, 2016!!!

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