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You can navigate to Engineering Village 2 by signing in through the University PortalUniversity Portal Select Learning Resources Select Databases Select.

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Presentation on theme: "You can navigate to Engineering Village 2 by signing in through the University PortalUniversity Portal Select Learning Resources Select Databases Select."— Presentation transcript:

1 You can navigate to Engineering Village 2 by signing in through the University PortalUniversity Portal Select Learning Resources Select Databases Select E in the A-Z Index Prefer the Portal route OR Navigate from the Area Index, (left hand column) at the Library Home PageLibrary Home Page Use the Portal route for automatic Athens authentication

2 You can also get Athens authentication for all Athens controlled databases at the top of the list of databases: You can also get Athens authentication for all Athens controlled databases at the top of the list of databases: Click here

3 We will use the Quick Search option to cross-search Compendex and Inspec Use truncation wildcard etc in Easy, Quick and Expert searches You can search for E-books in Referex


5 If you click on Find It a search will be made in the UU Catalogue You can also refine your search You can set up alerts Remember you can also use the controlled vocabulary search of the Thesaurus

6 We will save the first 3 records in Refworks To do this click on Download

7 Now select Refworks and click on Download

8 Click on view Last Imported Folder

9 We will put these references into a folder but first we must create the folder. To do this click on Folders

10 Data mining Name the folder and click on OK

11 We will put selected references into a folder. We will select all 3 refs To do this click on the down arrow at Put in Folder… and select Data mining

12 You will be asked if you are sure you want to do this. Click on OK

13 The records are now in the data mining folder We will now create a bibliography in a chosen citation format. To do this click on Bibliography

14 Harvard There are other references imported earlier but it’s References from Folder we want. Select that. Choose your folder (data mining) and then click on Create Bibliography Data mining We will choose the Harvard style

15 These are the references in the Harvard Citation style. They will be stored in Refworks for you. You can add to them and you can delete references. You can change the bibliographic style

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