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Ingrid Nyborg.  Partners: Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP - Baltistan) and Karakorum International University (KIU- Gilgit/Baltistan) Topics: 

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Presentation on theme: "Ingrid Nyborg.  Partners: Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP - Baltistan) and Karakorum International University (KIU- Gilgit/Baltistan) Topics: "— Presentation transcript:

1 Ingrid Nyborg

2  Partners: Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP - Baltistan) and Karakorum International University (KIU- Gilgit/Baltistan) Topics:  REDD – Local forest management systems and policy mechanisms – Case study Northern Areas of Pakistan  High Mountain resource management and climate change  Local adaptation to climate change in the Himalayas – changing livelihood patterns?  Mountain resources – medicinal plants, forests and forest plantations, watershed management, glaciers,  Energy analysis, solar, hydro, biofuel, fuel efficient stoves… See: High Altitude Integrated Natural Resource Management Program (HAINRM – Noragric web pages)

3  Partner: CIIT, Abbottabad  Public-private partnerships in development  Use of SMS-technology to support small-farmer marketing (Telenor and Aga Khan Rural Support Program)  Has this new technology had any impact on small farmers? In what ways? Gendered impacts? Winners and losers? Ethical issues?

4  Partner: Comsats University, Abbottabad (CIIT)  Sustainable water, sanitation, health and development  Interdisciplinary MSc program, 23 students  Participatory approaches to technology development, links to health and development  Possibility to focus on post-earthquake, post- conflict areas

5  Partners: CIIT, Abbotabad; Norwegian Police College  Human security in post-conflict contexts  Security-development nexus, competing discourses (military, police, humanitarian, development)  Post-war/conflict development and security reform  Livelihood security and peace-building  Livelihoods and livelihood revival in post-conflict contexts  Gender issues in post-conflict contexts (UN resolution 1325)  IDPs, Afghan refugees Can link with the Conflict, Human Security and Development Cluster (CHSD).

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