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 Herodotus“The Gift of the Nile” 2 3  KMTBlack Land  DSRTRed Land (Desert) 4 Hieratic Script.

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Presentation on theme: " Herodotus“The Gift of the Nile” 2 3  KMTBlack Land  DSRTRed Land (Desert) 4 Hieratic Script."— Presentation transcript:



3  Herodotus“The Gift of the Nile” 2

4 3

5  KMTBlack Land  DSRTRed Land (Desert) 4 Hieratic Script

6  Sirius  Nomes  Upper Egypt (22 Nomes)  Lower Egypt (20 Nomes) 5

7 6

8 7

9  Aha  Narmer  Menes  Dynasties (31) 8

10 9 Palette of Narmer

11 10 Palette of Narmer

12 11

13  Early Dynastic Period3100 – 2700 BC  Dynasties 1 – 2  Old Kingdom2700 – 2200 BC  Dynasties 3 – 6  1st Intermediate Period2200 – 2025 BC  Dynasties 7 – 10  Middle Kingdom2025 – 1630 BC  Dynasties 11 – 12  2 nd Intermediate Period1630 – 1550 BC  Dynasties 13 – 17  New Kingdom1550 – 1075 BC  Dynasties 18 – 20  Post Empire1075 – 31/30 BC  Dynasties 21 - 31 12

14  Macedonians332 BC  Ptolemy  Cleopatrad. 31/30 BC 13

15  Pharaoh  Matrilineal 14

16  King  Royal Family  Court (Officials, Scribes )  Farmers/Craftspeople  Servants 15

17  Theocracy  King  Vizier  Nomarchs  Imaku – “fed from the hand” 16

18  Polytheistic  Anthropomorphic  Zoomorphic  Composite  Naturalistic  Animistic  Pantheistic 17

19 18


21  Re (Ra)  Osirus  King Zoser (Djoser)  Imhotep 20

22 21 Stepped Pyramid of Djoser

23 22

24  Giza  Khufu(Cheops)  Khafre(Chephren)  Menkaure(Mycrinus)  Sphinx 23

25 24

26 25

27 26 Model of Giza Complex

28 27 Pyramids of Giza

29 28 The Great Sphinx

30  Corvee  Amenemhet  Hyksos  Wheel  Horse  Chariot  Ahmose 29

31  Expansion  Trade  Professional Army  Syria, Palestine, Nubia, Sudan  Syria, Palestine, Aegean, Crete 30

32  Damnatio Memoriae  Punt  Thutmose II  Thutmose III 31

33 32

34 33

35 34

36 35

37 36 Obelisk of Hatshepsut

38  Amonhotep IV  Amonhotep III  Tiy  Amon  Aton  Akhenaton  Hydrocephaly 37

39 38

40 39

41 40

42 41

43 42

44 43

45 44

46 45

47  Tel el Amarna  Akhetaton  Henotheism 46

48 47

49 48

50 49

51 50

52 51

53  Ankhesesnomen  Hittite  Ramesids  Ramses the Great 52

54 53

55 54

56 55

57 56

58 57

59 58

60 59 SyrianNubianLybianEgyptian

61 60 Libyan Nubian Syrian Bedouin Hittite

62 61

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