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Using Novell GroupWise ® 6 Monitor Duane Kuehne Software Engineer Novell, Inc. Danita Zanre Senior Consultant NSC Sysop,

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1 Using Novell GroupWise ® 6 Monitor Duane Kuehne Software Engineer Novell, Inc. Danita Zanre Senior Consultant NSC Sysop, Caledonia Network Consulting

2 Vision…one Net A world where networks of all types—corporate and public, intranets, extranets, and the Internet—work together as one Net and securely connect employees, customers, suppliers, and partners across organizational boundaries Mission To solve complex business and technical challenges with Net business solutions that enable people, processes, and systems to work together and our customers to profit from the opportunities of a networked world


4 Using Novell GroupWise ® Monitor Session overview What is GroupWise Monitor?  Installation  Navigating the monitor agent Configuration How to set up thresholds and notifications  Troubleshooting tools  Using message tracking  Monitoring through a web browser  Monitor in the wireless world

5 System Layout Provo Post Office Agent Denver Post Office Agent Utah MTA Colorado MTA Corporate MTA New York MTA Virginia MTA

6 Installation Monitor agent Monitor servlet

7 Introduction to Monitor Reading the main screen Agent details  Address  Exceeded thresholds  MIB values  Notes

8 Viewing Agent Console The agent console dialog looks like the NT agents MTA’s “Queue Watch” allows you to see  All of the domains and post offices to which that MTA directly connects  The state of the link  The state of the queues  Agent settings  Configuration status

9 Monitor Architecture Provo Post Office Agent Denver Post Office Agent Utah MTA Colorado MTA Corporate MTA New York MTA Virginia MTA Monitor

10 Communication Monitor communicates with the agents in one of two ways  XML over HTTP (primary method)  SNMP (secondary method) GroupWise 5.5 and earlier versions of the agents Gateways

11 Configuration Menu Items HTTP  Set the poll time  Set the rate at which the browser pages refresh  Set the password used when accessed by a browser  Set the port monitor listens on for HTTP requests SNMP  Set retries, timeouts, and community strings Filter  Lets you filter which agents you want to monitor

12 Notification SMTP  Notification is done directly from the monitor so that we don't get messages backed up in the GroupWise system that could be having a problem SNMP traps  Can send traps to an SNMP management system  Can receive traps from GroupWise agents Sounds  Sounds can be defined that will play when various events occur

13 Thresholds  Lets you set thresholds on any of the variables exported by the agents  You pick the state the agent will be in if the threshold is exceeded  To give more granularity, you can define your own state  This allows you to have a states called “MTA backed up” or “POA overloaded”

14 Log Menu Log Settings  Lets you determine the path for the log file, how old they can be, and how much disk space they can take View Log Files  Lets you view the event log files View History Files  Lets you view the history log files

15 Adding Other Agents Discover Machine  Type in the IP address of a machine, (DNS names work as well), and the monitor will discover all the agents that are running on that machine Discover Network  Type in a subnet, and it will find all the agents on that subnet Add Agent  Lets you add a single agent to the list of agent that are monitored

16 Troubleshooting Tools Link Trace  Allows you to trace the links from one domain to another  You see all the intermediate MTAs as well as the state of the next link (open, blocked, etc.) and how many messages are backed up going to the next link Link Verification  Lets you see how a domain connects to all other domains  This will flag problems with the configuration, such as a loop in the system

17 Performance Testing Provo Post Office Agent Denver Post Office Agent Utah MTA Colorado MTA Corporate MTA Monitor

18 Reports Environment  Shows the platform information for each of the agents you are filtering on  This includes OS version, CLIB version, DS, and TCP/IP Novell NetWare Loadable Module™ version, number of packet receive buffers, etc., This list could be mailed directly to support User traffic  Lets you see how much traffic a user has sent through a particular MTA  Requires message logging be active on the MTA in question

19 Reports (cont.) Link traffic  Lets you see how much traffic an MTA has sent over its links  This report and the user traffic report can be saved and pulled up into a spreadsheet for graphing or other analysis  Requires message logging be active on the MTA in question Message tracking  Tracks a message through the system  This allows the administrator to quickly find a message a user sent that has not yet been delivered  Requires message logging be active on the MTA in question

20 Monitoring Through a Web Browser The monitor is listening on the port displayed in the status bar of the Win32 application You can change the listening port through File | HTTP | HTTP Port From the web browser choose to access GroupWise Monitor

21 Monitor agent Servlet Architecture Browser HTTP server Monitor provider WebAccess servlet Templates

22 Servlet Browser Monitor

23 Servlet Browser Monitor

24 Proxy Browser Monitor servlet Monitor agent

25 Proxy Configuration Monitor agent  Start with the /proxy switch Monitor servlet  In GWMONITOR.CFG, change Provider.GWMP.Agent.Http.level=basic to Provider.GWMP.Agent.Http.level=full

26 Provo Post Office Agent Denver Post Office Agent Utah MTA Colorado MTA Corporate MTA Monitor Wireless Monitor

27 Monitor Servlet Conclusion The monitor servlet gives the administrator some great advantages in monitoring Because it sits on a web server, monitor data will be accessible from anywhere the administrator has access to the Internet This access includes browser support, access over the telephones, palm pilots, and the other wireless devices that web access supports


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