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Pacific Islands Imagery Consortium Status of Activities Lisa M. Fischer.

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Presentation on theme: "Pacific Islands Imagery Consortium Status of Activities Lisa M. Fischer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pacific Islands Imagery Consortium Status of Activities Lisa M. Fischer

2 Pacific Islands Imagery Consortium Goals and Objectives Develop partnerships with federal, state and other entities to procure high resolution imagery/photography Create a strategy for obtaining consistent, recurring imagery on a cycle across the pacific Islands Maintain dialogue concerning needs for Pacific Islands Build capacity on Islands in image processing and interpretation

3 Pacific Islands Imagery Consortium Accomplishments to Date Set up consortium to acquire high resolution imagery covering American Samoa, Guam, Palau and CNMI Coordinated purchase with Radarsat, Internation for QuickBird Imagery Coordinated purchase with Radarsat, Internation for QuickBird Imagery 60 cm natural color ortho-mosaicked imagery 60 cm natural color ortho-mosaicked imagery Completed purchase December 2003 Completed purchase December 2003 Satellite turned on over American Samoa, CNMI, Guam and Palau Satellite turned on over American Samoa, CNMI, Guam and Palau

4 Pacific Islands Imagery Consortium Imagery Update As of March 2004 satellite acquired northern CNMI islands Coordinating and gathering support data for geographic positioning and terrain correction for imagery

5 Pacific Islands Imagery Consortium Vegetation Map Refinement Finalize American Samoa map of refined forest types Send maps to American Samoa for field verification Refine 5-class landcover maps Subdivide the forest portion into association- based classification (strategy for all islands) Conduct training on pilot island to work with botanists and foresters to refine map

6 Pacific Islands Imagery Consortium Vegetation Mapping Strategy Create unsupervised classification within broad strata (e.g., forest) Create unsupervised classification within broad strata (e.g., forest) Fly low altitude aircraft with island foresters to “label” clusters Fly low altitude aircraft with island foresters to “label” clusters Refine classifications on-Island, where possible, and verify in the field Refine classifications on-Island, where possible, and verify in the field Capacity building component – sending image analysts to islands to train in use of image processing, where possible Capacity building component – sending image analysts to islands to train in use of image processing, where possible

7 Pacific Islands Imagery Consortium Classification Schemes Based on Mueller-Dombois Slightly different for each Island Association based Include primary species and secondary forest

8 Pacific Islands Imagery Consortium Draft Association-Based Classification Scheme - Guam Forest Northern Southern Artocarpus- Ficus Mammea Cordia Merrilliodendron -Ficus Pandanus Ravine Forest Swamp Forest Savanna Reed Marsh Other ? Input from specialists will be critical

9 Pacific Islands Imagery Consortium Change Detection Historic data exists for most islands Completed refined vegetation maps will be used with historic maps for change detection

10 Lowland tropical rainforest Montane rainforest Cleared Lowland shrub Lowland grass UrbanMangrovesWater Historic Vegetation Map Refined Map Based on IKONOS 2002

11 Pacific Islands Imagery Consortium Visit the Web Maps and data will soon be on the site for downloading and viewing

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