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John Halverson Arizona Geographic Alliance Grade 7 2 class periods.

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1 John Halverson Arizona Geographic Alliance Grade 7 2 class periods

2 Standards National Geography ELEMENT ONE: THE WORLD IN SPATIAL TERMS 1. How to use maps and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process, and report information from a spatial perspective. ELEMENT TWO: PLACES AND REGION 6. How culture and experience influence people’s perception of places and regions. Arizona Geography Concept 1: The World in Spatial Terms PO 3. Interpret maps, charts, and geographic databases using geographic information. Concept 2: Places and Regions PO 4. Identify how the role of the media, images, and advertising influences the perception of a place.

3 Standards Social Studies Arizona History Standards Strand 1: American History Concept 8: Great Depression and World War II PO 5. Describe Arizona’s contributions to the war effort: e. POW and internment camps

4 Standards Production and Distribution of Writing 6-8.WHST.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. Research to Build and Present Knowledge 6-8.WHST.9 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis reflection, and research.

5 Standards Writing Standards for 6-8 for Litera6-8.WHST.1 Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content. a. Introduce claim(s) about a topic or issue, acknowledge and distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence logically. b. Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant, accurate data and evidence that demonstrate an understanding of the topic or text, using credible sources. c. Use words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. d. Establish and maintain a formal style. e. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented.

6 Standards ELA Common Core Standards Reading Standards for 6-8 for Literacy in History/Social Studies Key Ideas and Details 6-8.RH.1 Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources. Integration of Knowledge and Ideas 6-8.RH.7 Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.

7 Overview Maps skills are essential to our understanding of the world around us. Maps also influence our perception of place. During World War II German prisoners of war (POWs) were housed at Papago Park in Phoenix, Arizona. How did maps influence the escape attempt by these prisoners?

8 Materials  Group Activity: Directions and Devices—How Do We Escape?  Arizona’s Landforms and Rivers Map  Various transportation and regional maps of Arizona  Physical and Cultural Map Route Analysis Sheet  Transportation Map Route Analysis Sheet  1940 Highway Map  Writing Prompt: We Gotta Get Out of This Place, Escape from Papago Park  Essay Grading Criteria  Background Information  The Actual Escape from Papago Park

9 Objectives The student will be able to:  Examine maps and solve a problem.  Examine historical documents about one of Arizona’s roles in World War II.  Discuss how maps form our perception of a place.

10 Procedures SESSION ONE Before presenting the lesson share the background of prisoner of war camps in the United States during World War II. Answer any pertinent questions.

11 Procedures Group Activity. Pass out Directions and Devices, How do we escape? As groups have the students brainstorm what means of transportation they might use to escape from a POW camp and what types of things they may want for their escape. Discuss some of the ideas brainstormed

12 P rocedures Individual or Group Work: Hand out the Arizona Landforms and Rivers Map and explain to the students that they are being held captive in 1940 in Phoenix and they need to plan an escape route to enable them to return to Germany. Each student should have a Physical and Cultural Map Route Analysis Sheet.

13 Procedures Students will use this map to analyze possible routes that they Might follow if they only had access to a physical map of Arizona. The will fill in their findings on the Physical and Cultural Map Route Analysis Sheet.

14 Procedures Allow the students sufficient time to complete the previous worksheet and then hand out Major Arizona Railroads and Roads (circa 1940). Each student should have a Transportation Map Route Analysis Sheet. The students will then analyze a route based on the transportation routes at the time.

15 Procedures The students will use this map to analyze possible escape routes.

16 Procedures SESSION TWO Handout the writing prompt: We Gotta get Out of This Place, Escape from Papago Park. Read the instructions as a group and have the students proceed to use their analysis sheets to determine a route of escape, advantages to their route, what they will take with them and a prediction for success. This may be done in small groups or as individuals. This may be done as a completion project for a second session or as a homework assignment dependent upon the individual classroom

17 Procedures Closure for this activity will be the sharing of The Actual Escape from Papago Park. Show the PowerPoint of the images. Seek student feedback as to their reactions to what really happened. Discuss how maps can form our perception of places

18 Immediately After the Escape  The news hit the papers immediately after the escape. Note the reward for the return of the prisoners. How would this change your plans if you escaped? - The exit to the tunnel.

19 Escapees from Papago Park Heinrich Palmer made it to within 10 miles of the Mexican Border Jurgen Wattenberg, ranking officer and a “ring leader” of the escape.

20 Remnants of World War II  Very little remains from Papago’s role in WW II A few foundations remain from the camp. The entry at the Arizona Military Museum was a workshop at the POW camp.

21 Overlay Map of Papago Park

22 Assessment Students can be graded for geography and history concepts by completing the Physical and Cultural Map Route Analysis Sheet and the Transportation Map Route Analysis Sheet with 80% or higher accuracy. The resulting essay can be graded with the rubric provided. A score of 3 or higher will be considered mastery in each category.

23 Assessment You can utilize this grading rubric for the writing assignment.

24 Extension Have the students do a comparison of their potential escape route to the historical route along the Cross Cut Canal. Have the students research other POW camps located in the United States. Compare them to POW camps in Europe.

25 Sources ○ oad.html oad.html ○ Papago Park POW camp site mps_usa/papago_park.html mps_usa/papago_park.html

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