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A Safe, Secure, and Sustainable Coast: A Current Snapshot of Nonstructural Mitigation along Coastal Louisiana ASFPM, San Antonio, TX May 20, 2012 Alessandra.

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Presentation on theme: "A Safe, Secure, and Sustainable Coast: A Current Snapshot of Nonstructural Mitigation along Coastal Louisiana ASFPM, San Antonio, TX May 20, 2012 Alessandra."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Safe, Secure, and Sustainable Coast: A Current Snapshot of Nonstructural Mitigation along Coastal Louisiana ASFPM, San Antonio, TX May 20, 2012 Alessandra Jerolleman, MPA, CFM Maggie Olivier, MA, CFM

2 Project Background Research Focus  Current status and impediments to nonstructural mitigation in Coastal LA Nonstructural as part of a 3-tiered approach  Funded by the National Wildlife Federation  Extensive report Findings Recommendations

3 Items Reviewed: Interviews NFIP and CRS data Publicly available information from parish Online newspapers Plans Academic research Stakeholder mapping

4 Lots of Plans Local Plans:  Emergency plan  Parish mitigation plan  Evacuation plan  Comprehensive or mitigation plan State Plans:  LA State Hazard Mitigation Plan  State Master Plan  Evacuation Plan  Others


6 Current Mitigation Status Weak culture of mitigation Most common measures: Elevation Floodproofing Evacuation plans Land-use planning and zoning Building codes Fear of losing structural

7 Barriers to Nonstructural Confusion around mitigation Who has responsibility? Political and public desire for structural Overcoming costs and funding Few incentives exist Fragmentation

8 Moving towards Mitigation CRS 25 active communities Top activities include:  Map Information Service  Outreach Projects  Flood Protection Information  Flood Protection Assistance  Drainage System Maintenance


10 Key Recommendations Change federal and state policies that support unwise development and place the costs on the federal taxpayer Higher Standards Stafford Act and NFIP revisions Document true risk Nonstructural hazard mitigation in combination with structural mitigation

11 Key Recommendations Strengthen and improve coordination among funding and technical assistance programs Comprehensive risk-reduction behind levees Interagency collaboration and integration of planning processes Consideration of hazard mitigation under the Community Reinvestment Act

12 Key Recommendations Educate the public, and other stakeholders, about the wide range of nonstructural measures Education and outreach to a wide array of stakeholders Education associations and professionals Statewide education programs Contractor and nonprofit education Training to local planners

13 Key Recommendations Conduct and support research to further nonstructural mitigation Technological innovation Track legislation

14 Key Recommendations Foster community involvement in nonstructural solutions which take local needs into account Local mitigation based on human values Livelihoods


16 Summary Louisiana Master Plan - $12.9 billion Patchwork Quilt Approach Silver Jackets Federal and State sources Foundations Public-Private Partnerships 16

17 NHMA Membership Includes People wanting to make a difference and work towards reducing losses from disasters Engineers, planners, floodplain mangers, government officials, community activists, academics, practitioners, students, etc. People involved in building resilient organizations and communities We would like to include you!

18 Contact Information: Natural Hazard Mitigation Association 616 Solomon Drive Covington, Louisiana 70433 504-914-6648

19 Questions?

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