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RBM and Asset Strategy.

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Presentation on theme: "RBM and Asset Strategy."— Presentation transcript:

1 RBM and Asset Strategy

2 Risk Based Maintenance Process – The Vision
Define Asset Scope Plan Collect Asset Data Feedback to Model Work Process Update Perform Apply Restrictions Maintenance Strategies Evaluate Risk Analysis The Romec vision from a technology footing is to deliver a value added technology service that will proactively measure and adjust maintenance visits to reflect the correct needs to guarantee longest life on assets, continuous and reliable performance of critical assets and future planning assistance in terms of capital investment needs for the coming years (Note: each area is explained on the following slides) Risk Distribution 1 10 5 2 72 81 74 18 3 71 77 12 4 76 17 88 35 36 65 8 E D C B A Schedule Plan of Work

3 Enterprise Day 1 – 10 Sites with Roll out Plan for remaining sites
Define Asset Scope A full account of the assets that are to be maintained per site. Define Asset Scope Enterprise Day 1 – 10 Sites with Roll out Plan for remaining sites

4 Enterprise Day 1 – BBW Data Collection Sheet aligned to SFG20
Comprehensive data on each asset to be captured Condition Age Maintainability Failure Rate Business Criticality New, replaced and removed assets Data Collect Enterprise Day 1 – BBW Data Collection Sheet aligned to SFG20

5 Perform Risk Assessment
Using the collected data calculate the risk score for each asset Enterprise Day 1 – BBW i-AM

6 i-AM with additional (non-SFG20) Romec Maintenance Plans
Schedule Plan of Work Once the assessment has been completed a schedule plan detailing the assets and the period between maintenance visits will be produced. Schedule Plan of Work Enterprise Day 1 – BBW i-AM with additional (non-SFG20) Romec Maintenance Plans

7 The Work Process Work Process
The schedule of visits is carried out as deemed by the Plan of Work. Information is gathered during this process (e.g. Correction of the visit plan, additional visit required through asset degradation) Work Process Enterprise Day 1 – Visit data captured and stored (reporting mechanism to be defined)

8 Current Functionality Areas
Contract Set Up Function Define Asset Scope Collect Asset Data Preventative Maintenance Planning Functions Plan Maintenance Jobs Dispatch Jobs Capture Visit Data Asset Maintenance Functions Receive Jobs Perform Maintenance Activity Update Visit History Field Service Functions

9 RBM – Functionality Areas
Define Asset Scope Contract Set Up Function Updates Export Collect Asset Data Perform Risk Assessment Produce Plan of Work Analyse Visit Data Risk Based Maintenance Functions Export Export Plan Maintenance Jobs Dispatch Jobs Capture Visit Data Asset Maintenance Functions Receive Jobs Perform Maintenance Activity Update Visit History Field Service Functions

10 RBM – Functionality to System Mapping
Not Day 1 System 21 Contract Set Up Function Updates Export System 21 RBM Profiler RBM Profiler RBM Profiler Risk Based Maintenance Functions Export Export System 21 System 21 ORS System 21 Asset Maintenance Functions Mobile Mobile Mobile Field Service Functions

11 Long Term – Fully Integrated Solution
Feed to Asset Life-cycle Maintenance Adjustment to Maintenance Schedule Condition Based Monitoring The Long Term vision provides a fully integrated solution that proactively measures and adjusts maintenance visits to reflect the correct needs to guarantee longest life on assets, continuous and reliable performance of critical assets and future planning assistance in terms of capital investment needs for the coming years

12 RBM Enterprise Day 1 – Progress So Far
Assets have been extracted and cleansed Requirements Definition has been completed Asset structure has been modified to enter the Profiling tool Profiling tool modified for Romec use ‘Proof of Concept’ (POC) sites set up to prove out the process 8 further test sites chosen to gain field exposure and harden the concept stage Activity List for site surveys, asset identification / collection, site desktop work, completed and tested for practicality – site visits started 7/2/2011 High level roll-out process, now needs populating for an implementation plan EVP process has now been integrated into the Activity List Tagging has been defined Asset mapping from Asset database to Profiler has been defined Overall process has been designed and mapped to the proposed working solution – this is shown in detail on the next slide;

13 RBM Enterprise Day 1 – Next Steps
Roll out plan to be constructed Training and Communications strategy and plan to be completed Discuss bringing Profiling tool into Romec ownership ‘Proof of Concept’ (POC) sites – finalise and document for lessons learned and reflect amendments to process Complete 8 further test sites Expand ops involvement as ‘reality check’. Document all necessary new / changed procedures Run current OMPs, Site Visit reports and other performance reporting for base lining purposes and future performance comparisons. Integrate with the Supply Chain Management deliverables Physically audit and tag all sites

14 BBW’s i-AM Approach

15 Risk Based Maintenance



18 Site Survey – Asset Data Collection Form
Each site will be visited for an asset collection and verification exercise to be completed. At this time the assets will be assessed based on age, condition, business criticality and maintainability. Additional assets (not currently on System 21) will be recorded along with any deletions and amendments

19 Asset Tags – Risk identification
This is a draft sample of the asset tag including a coloured portion to indicate the calculated risk. A desktop exercise will allow an initial view of the risk assessment prior to the site visit being made. Once on site the FSM/Technician will verify the classification and apply the tag. If the risk assessment is unknown for any reason the coloured part of the tag made be applied/changed at a later stage without a need to remove the actual barcode.


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