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A-1 International Smallpox Epidemic. A-2 August 4 The FBI gets a tip that terrorists might release small pox in an international airport in the Midwest.

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1 A-1 International Smallpox Epidemic

2 A-2 August 4 The FBI gets a tip that terrorists might release small pox in an international airport in the Midwest but do not know when. The tip is too vague to warn health officials. August 10 No suspicious accounts of flu-like symptoms yet in the country. However, smallpox incubates for two weeks so carriers may not even be exhibiting illness yet.

3 A-3 August 14 A NYU student from Chicago who returns to New York for classes goes to the emergency room with a fever complaining of flu-like symptoms. Doctors diagnose the patient with the flu and send her home. August 15, 09:00 The NYU student returns the next day complaining of “the worst flu she’s ever had.” She is also covered in a rash from head to toe. Doctors suspect adult chickenpox and hospitalize her.

4 A-4 August 15, 16:00 Doctors are puzzled by the rash that is affecting areas of the body not usually afflicted by chicken pox, like the soles of her feet. More testing indicates Smallpox. August 15, 18:00 Officials seal the hospital and will not let visitors or staff leave and do not state a reason. TV news crews get wind of the situation and begin speculating about Smallpox.

5 A-5 August 16, 04:00 The CDC begins to send some smallpox vaccines to New York. August 16, 10:00 Reports of similar cases come from the UK, Japan and Australia. The FBI, CDC, President and Health officials begin to compile a vaccination plan.

6 A-6 August 18 Hospitals around the world report mysterious rashes and flu-like symptoms. The CDC counts 52 cases of smallpox in the US. The president addresses the nation, citing the tip that the attack may have occurred April 4. Although he does not state it, its too late for the vaccine to help anyone who was exposed that day.

7 A-7 August 20 The NYU college student dies. August 22 A vaccination plan has begun but many of those who came into contact with the disease in the first few days August 30 500 are ill in 40 states and 19 countries. People with mild symptoms fill hospitals which have no beds, or health care workers who have been quitting their jobs on account of not being vaccinated.

8 A-8 October The epidemic finally slows in October

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