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Precision Molecular Ion Spectroscopy: A New Probe for New Physics Brian Odom.

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Presentation on theme: "Precision Molecular Ion Spectroscopy: A New Probe for New Physics Brian Odom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Precision Molecular Ion Spectroscopy: A New Probe for New Physics Brian Odom

2 milliKelvin Molecular Ion Research … a few years ago Stephan Schiller Dusseldorf Michael Drewsen Aarhus

3 milliKelvin Molecular Ion Research Stephan Schiller Dusseldorf Michael Drewsen Aarhus Ike Chuang MIT Eric Hudson UCLA Brian Odom Northwestern Ken Brown Georgia Tech … today Tobias Schaetz MPI-Garching Stephan Willitsch Basel Piet Schmidt PTB Zhang Chaobo Nanyang Kunihiro Okada Tokyo Yoshiki Moriwaki Toyama

4 Precision AMO Spectroscopy (  for the “m”) Atomic optical spectroscopy Best molecular spectroscopy Atomic microwave spectroscopy

5 Why are Molecules so Far Behind? Why cycle? Laser cooling Single atom detection Atoms are easy…molecules are hard

6 HEP-Inspired Molecular Possibilities p+ p+ e-e- Parity violation at molecular level Time-variation of constants Molecular enhancement DeMille, et al, PRL 100, 023003 (2008) Nuclear spin-dependent (NSD) parity violation 1-sigma constraints on PNC meson couplings Haxton et al, Phys Rev C 65 045502 Fundamental electric dipole moments

7 Time-Varying Constants Possibilities: Continuing variation in time “Phase-shift” behavior Variation with space, not time Variation with matter density, not time We cannot predict rate or type of variation, but… Is this even possible? Kaluza-Klein, string theories allow/predict variations. What are the predictions? electron-proton mass ratio  fine structure constant 

8 Units Ain’t Welcome In These Parts + - Experiment: Count the Cs clock ticks for a photon to cross H atom Conclusion: 1 s defined by Cs, c is defined…so r H is changing Say that number changes from year to year… But…if 1 m were defined by r H, c still defined, we conclude that  Cs is changing Talk of unitful constants changing obscures the physics Cs

9 What Does This Have to Do with Dark Energy? ?

10 Strategies for a Hard Problem Strategy 1: The denominator approach  ≈ 10 -6, T ≈ 10 9 years Data from Ultraviolet and Visible Echelle Spectrograph mounted on the Very Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory Ubachs, Buning, Eikemma, and Reinhold, J Molec. Spect. 241, 155 (2007) Strategy 2: The numerator approach T ≈ 1 year…  < 10 -15 ???

11 State of unConstant Affairs Quasar absorption lines: Al + / Hg + clock comparison: Quasar absorption lines: Ubachs, Buning, Eikemma, and Reinhold, J Molec. Spect. 241, 155 (2007) H2:H2: NH 3 / (CO, HCO +, HCN): Henkel et al, Astronomy and Astrophysics 440, 893 (2005) Combes and Wiklind, Astrophys J 486, L79 (1997)   Laboratory: Chardonnet, SF 6 : Laboratory:  is way behind … because it needs molecules!

12 Molecular Degeneracy Can Help Some systematics, such as clock instability or Doppler shift, impose fractional frequency error Molecular complexity is definitely a good thing here

13 Ba + Laser Cooling Why Barium? Heavy (effective sympathetic cooling of heavy molecular ions) Cooling transition is most red option

14 Our First Ion Trap

15 Fluorescence Images of Trapped Ba+ At low enough temperature (~ 0.1 K) crystallization occurs Ba-138 is pushed left by light pressure

16 Trapped Barium Coulomb Crystals

17 … and Throw in Some Molecular Ions (Following Drewsen at Aarhus and Schiller at Dusseldorf) Ba + fluorescing ions BaH + dark ions, (probably milliKelvin!)

18 Loading SiO + First ablate Ba target Then ablate SiO target

19 Quantum Logic Spectroscopy, State Readout World’s best spectroscopy (QLS) is on a non-laser cooled ion…Why not on a molecular ion? Internal state Motional state n=1 n=0 n=1 n=0 Spectroscopy ion Logic ion ? Spectroscopy ion is hard to read out, but logic ion is easy

20 Internal state Motional state n=1 n=0 n=1 n=0 Spectroscopy ion Logic ion Quantum Logic Spectroscopy, State Transfer World’s best spectroscopy (QLS) is on a non-laser cooled ion…Why not on a molecular ion? Spectroscopy ion is hard to read out, but logic ion is easy

21 mQLS Trap Design 3 mm

22 mQLS Table and Trap

23 mQLS Vacuum Chamber Assembly

24 The People Doing the Work Postdocs Joan Marler Jason Nguyen Grad Students Chien-Yu Lien Yen-Wei Lin Vaishnavi Rajagopal Chris Seck David Tabor Ming-Feng Tu Undergrads Marc Bourgeois Greg McGlynn Ingrid Ringler Lauren Ruth Scott Williams … and The People Paying for It IGERT Quantum Coherent Optical and Matter Systems

25 Extras…

26 Sounds Great. What’s the Catch?

27 Rotational Cooling of Hydrides Schiller and Drewsen groups (2010) What would still be nice? Faster cooling Applicable to heavier species

28 Cool Rotations into Electronic Excitation? We would like diagonal Franck Condon Factors

29 Femtosecond Pulse Shaping 1 cm -1 resolution currently achieved

30 Pulse-Shaping for AlH + Rotational Cooling Current resolution is sufficient for cooling

31 Simulation of AlH + Rotational Cooling Expect ~7  s cooling timescale (compare with 10 s timescale of vibrational excitation technique)

32 Review: Radiofrequency Ion Traps + + --

33 - - ++

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