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Mitigation Action Plan and Scenarios Climate governance in Latin America: Case studies of Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru Andrea Rudnick, MAPS Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Mitigation Action Plan and Scenarios Climate governance in Latin America: Case studies of Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru Andrea Rudnick, MAPS Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mitigation Action Plan and Scenarios Climate governance in Latin America: Case studies of Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru Andrea Rudnick, MAPS Programme Our Common Future Conference. Paris. July 10 th, 2015.

2 Mitigation Action Plan and Scenarios The context The MAPS Programme is a south-south collaboration amongst developing countries to establish evidence base for long-term transition to carbon efficient economies. MAPS processes involve multi-ministerial committees and multi- stakeholders in the research process of determining mitigation scenarios for their countries. Since 2007, there has been an increase in government institutionalization of climate mitigation actions, but these efforts are recent in design or in early implementation stage. There is insufficient literature from developing countries that evaluates this institutionalization (WG III, Ch 15, AR5 IPCC). Within MAPS, four case studies on climate governance were developed. These aim at describing and documenting the state of the play of institutional arrangements on climate change in Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru.

3 Mitigation Action Plan and Scenarios Climate structure in Brazil President Ministry of Science and Technology Ministry of Environment Forum on Climate Change (2000) Inter-ministerial Committee on Climate Change (2007) Executive Group General Coordination on Global Climate Change (1994) Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management Ministry of Finance Interministerial Comission on Global Climate Change (1999) Ministry of … National Economic and Social Development Bank (2009) National Climate FundAmazon Fund

4 Mitigation Action Plan and Scenarios Strengths and weaknesses in Brazil Climate governance in Brazil has included, from the beginning, a multi- ministerial approach. The institutional arrangements are well established, with entities and roles created by law and decrees. Brazil is one of the few (13) countries with a climate change law. The National Development Bank has a Climate Change Fund, which provides governance for climate finance. The Forum, which gathers public and private sector, scientists and NGOs, has played a key role in building consensus, by providing the setting for a series of meetings. IES Brasil project has built the evidence for long-term mitigation, through a co-production process with a broad range of stakeholders. Several states and cities have created local climate change forums. The main states and capital cities have started to engage in climate change policies and measures.

5 Mitigation Action Plan and Scenarios Climate governance in Chile Ministry of Environment Council of Ministers on Sustainability (and Climate Change) (2010) [11 Ministries] National advisory committee on global change (1996) Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Conama) Advisory Board (2010) [Private sector, NGOs, Academia]

6 Mitigation Action Plan and Scenarios Strengths and weaknesses in Chile All policies and laws with an impact on the environment must be approved by the council of ministers on sustainability. The decisions taken by the council are legally binding. Recently modified to include climate change decisions. Strong governance regarding data collection, with formal inter- ministerial arrangements. MAPS Chile project has involved around 300 stakeholders in the creation of long-term mitigation scenarios, which are being used for INDC purposes. But, there is no formal governance including a broad range of stakeholders. Governmental steering committee of MAPS Chile project has the same members than the INDC technical committee.

7 Mitigation Action Plan and Scenarios Climate structure in Colombia President Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development National Planning Department National Council on Economic and Social Policy Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development Ministry of Mining & Energy Ministry of Finance National Climate Change System Ministry of Finance Ministry of … Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies

8 Mitigation Action Plan and Scenarios Strengths and weaknesses in Colombia Climate change is embedded at the highest level in the country. Climate change actions have been included in the National Development Plan since 2006 (quadrennial plan, applicable to entire country, approved by congress). The latest Development Plan (2014-2018) mandates 8 ministries to develop and implement sectorial mitigation plans up to 2020 and to 2030. The data collection remains weak. Need to build formal arrangements with both public and private sector, in order to facilitate and expedite the making of inventories and consensus on the best available data.

9 Mitigation Action Plan and Scenarios Climate governance in Peru Ministry of Environment National Comission on Climate Change (1994, 2009) Ad-hoc multi-sectoral commission on INDC (2015) [15 Ministries] Infocarbono (2014) [9 Ministries][11 Ministries]

10 Mitigation Action Plan and Scenarios Strengths and weaknesses in Peru There have been efforts to include all relevant ministries in climate change decisions, which is reflected in the National Commission. Nonetheless, climate change is still perceived as an environmental issue led by the Ministry of Environment. Peru has climate strategies at the subnational level, according to the provision of the Organic Law of Regional Governments. Most regions of Peru already have a Regional Strategies for Climate Change. A draft Law on Climate Change is being discussed in Congress, which is a great opportunity to enhance climate governance. The development of the INDC has been framed in a structured process with clear governance, although temporary.

11 Mitigation Action Plan and Scenarios Final remarks All four countries have evolved to multi-sectorial decision processes, including all relevant ministries. Absence of formal climate change subnational governance in four LAC countries. Peru is a singular case. Inclusion of climate change in development planning at a national, subnational and sectorial level, remains the major challenge. Colombia stands out in this regard. Engagement of more actors (private, academia, NGOs, subnational) in the design of policies, actions and mitigation scenarios is rather innovative and usually part of international cooperation projects, as the MAPS Programme. Governance of these projects permeate into the public sector decision making process, as a result of the capacity created.

12 Mitigation Action Plan and Scenarios Who Supports MAPS Authors: Ignacio Rebolledo (Poch), Natalia Tobar (Poch), Carolina Urmeneta (Poch), Andrea Rudnick (MAPS). Thanks

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