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Using the Median as a Measure of Center Lesson 2 1.

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1 Using the Median as a Measure of Center Lesson 2 1

2 Warm Up OBJECTIVE: SWBAT recognize how the median reacts to changes made to a data set. Language Objective: SWBAT write about what happens to the median when a data set changes. Agenda 2 3) Do you exercise? 2) How tall are the students in my class? Determine whether the following questions are statistical or not. Explain how you know. 1) How old am I? Statistical Question: A question that will have several answers that might be different Scaffolding A = Not statistical A = Statistical A = Not statistical

3 Launch (A) – Review of Last Class 3 OK, we have learned how to form a statistical question. Now what?! But then what do we do with the data we collect? Then what? Ask a question and collect data! Organize it! Examine/analyze the data! Agenda

4 Launch (A) Turn and Talk (30 sec) number of toppings students like on their pizzas 4 When we analyze data, what are we looking for? Center Spread Shape Median Mean Agenda Today!

5 Launch (A) 5 What is the definition of median? The median is the number that marks the middle of an ordered set of data. Half of the values lie at or below the median and half of the values lie at or above the median. Vocabulary 4 6 6 8 9 10 13 median Agenda

6 Launch (A) 6 How do you find the median when there is an even number of data points? 4 6 6 8 10 10 13 14 Agenda hmmm I have two data points left, 8 and 10…what do I do? 9 = median

7 Launch (B) – Class Challenge! Whole Class 7 1) On the index card in front of you, write the number of letters in your FIRST name. 2) Stand up with your index card in your hand. 3)Without talking, organize yourselves in a line from least to greatest. Agenda

8 Launch (B) Whole Class 8 1) How could we find the median number of letters in students’ names in our class? 3) What would happen if we added another student’s name length to our data? 4)What would happen if that student’s name had 54 letters? Agenda 2) What is the median number of letters in students’ names?

9 Explore (A) Individual (Notes) 9 The students in Ms. Jee’s class collected data to answer the statistical question, “How many letters are in the first names of Ms. Jee’s students?” The data is displayed below. What is the median for these data? 8 3 4 5 6 76 5 710 3 Agenda

10 Explore (A) Solution 10 What is the median for these data? Agenda median 8 3 4 6 5 76 5 710 3

11 Explore (A) 11 The median of the data is 6 letters. 58345677103 Agenda 6 median Now that we know the median name length in Ms. Jee’s class is 6 letters, we are going to see what happens to the median when we make changes to the data set.

12 Explore (A)Think-Pair-Share (Notes) 12 The students in Ms. Jee’s class collected data to answer the statistical question, “How many letters are in the first names of Ms. Jee’s students?” The data is displayed below. Remove two data points from the original data set so that the median decreases. 583456771036 ScaffoldingAgenda

13 Explore (A) Possible Solution 13 Remove two data points from the original data set so that the median decreases. 583456767103 83467 35 Agenda 5

14 Explore (A) – Class Challenge #2 Think-Pair-Share (Notes) 14 The students in Ms. Jee’s class collected data to answer the statistical question, “How many letters are in the first names of Ms. Jee’s students?” The data is displayed below. Add two data points to the original data set so that the median stays the same. 583456771036 Scaffolding Agenda

15 Explore (A) Possible Solution 15 Add two data points to the original data set so that the median stays the same. 583456767103333 Agenda median Woah! 33 is far away from the rest of the data! Is there a word for a piece of data that is much smaller or much larger than the rest of the data? OUTLIER!

16 Explore (A)Individual 16 Mr. Nunez drives a bus. The line plot below shows the number of passengers that were on his bus for each of the last 10 trips he made. A = 6 passengers Agenda Bus Trips What is the median for these data? Be prepared to share your strategy.

17 Explore (A) Turn-and-Talk (30 secs) 17 Mr. Nunez drives a bus. The line plot below shows the number of passengers that were on his bus for each of the last 10 trips he made. There are 72 passengers on the bus for Mr. Nunez’s 11 th trip. How does the median of the original data set change? Agenda Bus Trips A = The median does not change! The median number of passengers remains at 6.

18 Explore (B) 18 Part 1 - (10 Min) Work independently and check in with a partner to complete your class work. 1-Worksheet 2-Share Out In 10 minutes you will be asked to stop and share your answers! Click on the timer! Agenda

19 Summary – Student Share Out 19 Part 2 – (10 Min) Students share out work. Classwork Questions Agenda

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