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More than 20% of Americans 65 and older don't drive Older adults use of mass transit increased by 40% in last decade Travel Training vs. Senior familiarization.

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Presentation on theme: "More than 20% of Americans 65 and older don't drive Older adults use of mass transit increased by 40% in last decade Travel Training vs. Senior familiarization."— Presentation transcript:

1 More than 20% of Americans 65 and older don't drive Older adults use of mass transit increased by 40% in last decade Travel Training vs. Senior familiarization Lessons learned Supporting Seniors with Transit options

2 RideWise A personalized trip planning system that is easy to access, and addresses the individual travel needs of each customer. Consumer education and outreach program to familiarize customers with their transportation options, including bus, light rail and all other community-based transportation options. Fixed-route vehicle familiarization services designed for who need assistance and practical experience TriMet buses and MAX cars. This training takes place when the vehicles are not in service. Ride Ambassador Program to connect customers needing a little extra assistance with a trained volunteer who is comfortable with TriMet buses and light rail.

3 An awareness of personal space An awareness of their environment The ability to recognize and respond to dangerous or unsafe situations Travel Skills

4 Because certain trainees may expect or desire to have travel trainer accompaniment well beyond the point in which independent travel is achieved; travel trainers should clearly explain the purpose and limits of the travel training experience. Setting Boundaries

5 Jessica's point

6 Volunteer Senior Mentors Began in 2005 referrals and outreach by Travel Training office in the transit agency. Still struggling to attract participants to program. Successes are with group tours and trips to downtown events. Volunteers also work with LEP passenger in groups or one-to-one familiarization. Bus 101 translated into Bosnian and Vietnamese, for group presentations.

7 Benefits of Active Transportation If every American used active transportation for just one out of 10 trips we would reduce foreign oil consumption by 40%. Communities that drive less have lower obesity rates. Engagement in the community decreases isolation. Complete streets enable safe access for all users. Pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities must be able to travel safely to their desired destinations. When older adults are able to age in place everyone benefits.

8 Click box for video

9 Who let the dogs out?


11 Mike Mullins RideWise Sarah Green The Rapid What works in your community?

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