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MSJC Computer Lease Prepared by: S Guarino February 2008 ©

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1 MSJC Computer Lease Prepared by: S Guarino February 2008 ©

2 System and Inventory  The District supports about 720 desktop and laptop computers.  Basic standards must be met to accommodate District needs and maintain levels of usability and compatibility.  This achieves efficiency in training the user community as well as the technicians that maintain the systems.

3 System and Inventory  The District supports about 720 desktop and laptop computers divided into four quadrants. At the start of our lease: QuadNumberAgePower A2191994-2002128MB– 256MB B2342002-2004256 MB -512 MB C1582004-2006512MB – 1GB D1092006 +1GB – 2GB

4 System and Inventory  Each year, the Information, Communication and Technology Committee (ICTC) sets minimum standards based on standard district software. MSJC has enjoyed a long period of ‘software stability’ Software Microsoft XP Office 2003 Series - Word 2003 - Outlook - Excel 2003 - Powerpoint Hardware Pentium IV 256 will run Minimum standard is 1GB

5 System and Inventory  After period of stability, MSJC is faced with major upgrade to standard software and hardware: Software Microsoft Vista Office 2007 Series - Word 2007 - Outlook 2007 - Excel 2007 - Powerpoint Hardware Pentium IV 256 will run Minimum standard is 1GB

6 Computer Lease  April 12, 2007 BOT approved Lease-refresh, noting benefits including: Provide desktop and laptop equipment on 4- year refresh cycle. Normalizes cash outlay Allows MSJC to realize economies of scale Avoids obsolescence Prepares inventory for Vista / Office 2007 Optimizes training and support Includes computer disposal program

7 Purchases Under Lease No A or B machines will run Vista - Need 219 + 234 = 453 machines QuadNumberAgePower A2191994-2002128MB– 256MB B2342002-2004256 MB -512 MB C1582004-2006512MB – 1GB D1092006 +1GB – 2GB

8 Purchases Under Lease Need 453 in 2006-2007 Purchased -216 (112 for Admin/Staff & 104 Faculty) ________________________ Still In Need 237 Cost was $ 1,440 each or $360/year Annual obligation $ 77,760 216@ $ 1650 = $ 356,400. Realized 12 % per computer savings

9 Purchases Under Lease Additionally, Instruction purchased 205 computers for lab @ $ 370 Annual obligation is $ 75,850

10 Lease: Where Do We Stand Most ‘A’ machines gone. Some ‘B’ machines gone. A new inventory is being taken now. *launch payment spreadsheet QuadNumberAgePower A2191994-2002128MB– 256MB B2342002-2004256 MB -512 MB C1582004-2006512MB – 1GB D1092006 +1GB – 2GB

11 The Future of Leasing In 208-2009 MSJC base budget flat, or worse The lease dollars are generally from base funds A GO bond would have allowed some fund movement Taking lease monies off top of growth dollars has been discussed, and centralizing budget

12 System and Inventory Cost to lease 720 @ $360/year = $ 259,200 (Compared to purchase figures) YearNumber purchased Cost eachTotal Cost 2003-2004179$ 1,500$ 268,500 2003-2004119$ 1,560$185,640 2004-2005124$ 1,620$ 200,880 2005-2006100$ 1,650$ 165,000

13 The Future of Leasing ICTC support for leased technology model Need to move to Office 2007. - Goal was to complete cycle in 2009-2010 - The need to move to Vista and Office 2007 is driven from Instruction and the need to stay current with marketplace and student demands.

14 The Future of Leasing Recommendation: Continue with the strategy to replace all ‘A’ and ‘B’ computers by end of 2008-2009. Continue with the strategy to be Vista and Office 2007 compliant by 2009-2010

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