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. We are crazy school! We like reading books, watching movies and... DANCING! We take part in different English speaking countries’ celebrations. Our.

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2 We are crazy school! We like reading books, watching movies and... DANCING! We take part in different English speaking countries’ celebrations. Our class also participates in various performances for example "Cinderella„. We love it



5 Our school is great. We have fantastic teachers and ambitious students who are involved in school life. Our teachers organize a lot of walking tours and bus trips. Last year we visited Wroclaw,Poznań and Ustka. We always return happy and full of positive feelings and memories. Our school is not a huge school, but thanks to everybody knows each other we are like one big family. Our patron is well-known writer in Poland - Kornel Makuszyński. Every year in January we celebrate his birthday by organizing solemn ceremony.


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