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36 Essentials to being successful Adapted from Ron Clark’s The Essential 55 Adapted from Ron Clark’s The Essential 55.

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Presentation on theme: "36 Essentials to being successful Adapted from Ron Clark’s The Essential 55 Adapted from Ron Clark’s The Essential 55."— Presentation transcript:


2 36 Essentials to being successful Adapted from Ron Clark’s The Essential 55 Adapted from Ron Clark’s The Essential 55

3 When responding to an adult answer with “Yes ma’am” or “No, sir” When responding to an adult answer with “Yes ma’am” or “No, sir”

4 Homework will be turned in EVERYDAY in every subject Homework will be turned in EVERYDAY in every subject

5 When someone is speaking to you MAKE EYE CONTACT

6 Learn the names of the teachers, office personnel, lunch ladies, and custodians. Speak in a friendly manner when you see them in the hallways.

7 When an assignment is made, there will be no groaning and complaining. This will result in a double assignment.

8 When there is a substitute teacher, you will obey the same rules as when the regular teacher is here. When there is a substitute teacher, you will obey the same rules as when the regular teacher is here.

9 Respect other people’s comments, opinions, and ideas. Say “I agree with_______” or “I disagree with _____. He made a good point but…”

10 If you win, do not brag If you lose, do not show anger Say “good game” or “I enjoyed the game” Never say “I wasn’t really trying”

11 Answer a question with a question. How was your vacation? “It was great! We spent it on the beach. How was yours?”

12 When you cough, sneeze, or burp Turn your head, cover your mouth, and say “excuse me”

13 Always say Thank you when someone gives you something

14 During the year, teachers may handout rewards for good behavior or just because… It is rude to ask for a reward and a reward will NOT be given if anyone asks for it!

15 Water bottles are allowed in the classroom. NO FOOD IS ALLOWED ANYWHERE except in the cafeteria

16 You will make every effort to be organized!

17 If someone does something well CONGRATULATE him

18 Surprise others with Random Acts of Kindness "I think what’s important for kids to know is that your decisions here on earth matter, your behavior matters and how you treat other people matters." -Matt Damon; American actor

19 Be positive and enjoy life! Some things are just not worth getting upset about. Keep everything in perspective. Will it matter 5 years from now?

20 When answering someone else’s phone… “hello” “yes, he is here, may I ask who’s calling?” Place hand over phone and (DO NOT SHOUT) tell the person who is calling.

21 When meeting someone for the first time, Shake his hand, introduce yourself and welcome them to the situation “Hi, my name is ______. I am so glad to meet you and thank you for coming.”

22 Do not save seats in the lunchroom. Include everyone. We ARE the BEARCATS!

23 If a student is being disciplined by an adult Do not look at the student, do not add your 2 cents to the conversation.

24 Clean up after yourself After you eat or when finishing a project Return all utensils, paraphernalia to the proper storage area Throw away all your trash, clean up surfaces

25 Bus Trips Face forward, stay in seats, nothing goes out a window, discard any trash. Say “thank you” to bus driver, chaperones, coaches, teachers that took you on the trip.

26 When staying in a motel room, it is appropriate to leave a tip on the pillow for the hotel workers who clean your room.

27 When offered food, NEVER take more than you need Do not appear greedy. It is disrespectful of others when you do not leave enough.

28 If someone drops something Pick it up It is considered polite to make the gesture of bending down to retrieve the item

29 Approaching Doors Pull a door open Then step to the side And allow other person through first Push a door open Hold the door after you walk through

30 If someone bumps into you Say “excuse me” even if it’s not your fault

31 Stand on the right on an escalator or moving pathway Let others exit an elevator before you enter.

32 Never cut in line If someone cuts in front of you, don’t mention it you could get in BIG trouble

33 Attendance @ Movies or Plays Turn your cell phone off Don’t talk or whisper during the show Do not put your feet on the chair in front of you Open candy before show begins

34 Stand up for what you believe in. You shouldn’t take no for an answer if your heart and mind are leading you in a direction that you feel strongly about.


36 Always be honest Honesty IS the best policy Admit your mistake, many times your punishment will be lessened or forgiven

37 Be the Best person YOU can be

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