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Human-Computer Interaction (HCI): Copyright 2002 © Kumar, Unuakhalu, Carigan Ashok Kumar Mike Unuakhalu Jim.

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Presentation on theme: "Human-Computer Interaction (HCI): Copyright 2002 © Kumar, Unuakhalu, Carigan Ashok Kumar Mike Unuakhalu Jim."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human-Computer Interaction (HCI): Copyright 2002 © Kumar, Unuakhalu, Carigan Ashok Kumar Mike Unuakhalu Jim Carigan Developing field diagnostic tools for existing interfaces; seeking continuing improvement in course delivery software Work in progress

2 San Antonio TX November 2, 2002 The Problem Software Usability –After the honeymoon –How to evaluate –How to communicate –How to improve Your Point of View

3 San Antonio TX November 2, 2002 Related Work Larry Constantine & Lucy Lockwood Ben Shneidermann Christian Gram Roger Pressman Alan Cooper Robert Bailey Related Work

4 San Antonio TX November 2, 2002 Usability HCI Users Stakeholders Definitions

5 San Antonio TX November 2, 2002 Usability –The effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction with which specified users achieve specified goals in particular environments. »ISO 9241 –Ease of use; a combination of learnability, rememberability, efficiency in use, reliability in use, and user satisfaction »Constantine and Lockwood –Accomplishment vs Excise On-task actions vs HCI management »Cooper Definitions

6 San Antonio TX November 2, 2002 HCI –Human Computer Interaction The User Interface User Goals –HCI encompasses the interface within the context of how well the information system achieves the users’ goals. Definitions

7 San Antonio TX November 2, 2002 Users Definitions

8 San Antonio TX November 2, 2002 Stakeholders Definitions

9 San Antonio TX November 2, 2002 Ways to think about Usability Who’s in charge We must remember this... Consistency

10 San Antonio TX November 2, 2002 Ways to think about Usability Access Less interference Progressive Support Real Work Context

11 San Antonio TX November 2, 2002 Ways to think about Usability Structure Simplicity Visibility Feedback Tolerance Reuse

12 San Antonio TX November 2, 2002 Communication Analysis Feedback Solutions

13 San Antonio TX November 2, 2002 Questions Answers Analysis Goals Solutions

14 San Antonio TX November 2, 2002 Summary Communication Agreement Structure Many Eyes Follow Through Summary

15 San Antonio TX November 2, 2002 Conclusions Metrics are necessary Refinement must be continuous Improvement must be continuous Time

16 San Antonio TX November 2, 2002 Future Work Refine the tools Expand the sample Refine the scope Pursue promising leads Future Work

17 San Antonio TX November 2, 2002 Questions ?

18 San Antonio TX November 2, 2002 Thank You!

19 San Antonio TX November 2, 2002 Bibliography [AGAR02] Agarwal, R. and V. Venkatesh, “Assessing a firm’s Web presence: a heuristic evaluation procedure for the measurement of usability.” Information Systems Research, v. 13, n. 2, June 2002. [CONS99] Constantine, L. L. and L. A. D. Lockwood, Software for use; a practical guide to the models and methods of usage-centered design, ACM Press, New York, 1999. [BAIL96] Bailey, R. W., High Performance Engineering, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1996. [COOP95] Cooper, A., About face; the essentials of user interface design, IDG Books Worldwide, Foster City, CA [GRAM95] Gram, C., "A Software Engineering View of User Interface Design." Proceedings of the IFIP TC2/WG2.7 Working Conference on Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction, 1995. [GREE91] Greenbaum, J. and M. Kyng (Eds), Design at work: cooperative design of computer systems. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Hillsdale, NJ, 1991. [JIAN98] Jiang, M. and E. Ting, “Course design, instruction, and students’ online behaviors: a study of instructional variables and student perceptions of online learning, Paper, Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, 1998. [MACI01] Maciaszek, L. A., Requirements analysis and system design; developing information systems with UML, Addison-Wesley, Harlow, England, 2001. [PRES01] Pressman, R. S., Software engineering; a practitioner's approach, 5 th ed., McGraw-Hill, Boston, 2001. [RASK00] Raskin, J., The humane interface; new directions for designing interactive systems, ACM Press, New York, 2000. [SHNE90] Shneiderman, B., Designing the User Interface, 3 rd ed., Addison-Wesley, Boston, 1990. [WIEG99] Wiegers, K. E., Software Requirements, Microsoft Press, Redmond, WA, 1999.

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