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Jewish GROUPS IN Jesus’time

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1 Jewish GROUPS IN Jesus’time
Sadducees, Pharisees, Zealots, Essenes

2 Sadducees Mostly upper class
Had conservative political and religious views Held powerful positions Liked things as they were, didn’t like change Kept their distance from the “common” people

3 Sadducees on Religion Believed that only the Torah (the 1st 5 books of the Bible) had authority If the Torah didn’t have something to say on an issue, they believed that the rulers were the best to decide what to do Were mainly concerned with the Temple cult Made deals with non-Jewish authorities as long as rituals and sacrifices were allowed and left in the control of the priests

4 Ideas not in the Torah were not acceptable, like:
the resurrection of the body, rewards and punishments after death, they did not believe in angels or demons, they did not think about God’s final plans

5 Pharisees concerned with keeping the distinctive character of Judaism
their work was centered around the synagogue study worship works of charity

6 Pharisees on the “Law” / Torah
The Torah must be enough for all time and all situations In every situation, the scriptures had to be interpreted in a way that addressed the situation The oral law helped people understand the written law The oral law was an essential partner to the written law and just as binding Keeping both the written and oral law was necessary for the future of Judaism

7 Pharisees tried to see everyone as equal
wanted every Israelite to go through priestly purification Every home was a temple Every table was an altar Every Jew a priest making an offering to the Lord

8 Ideas Pharisees accepted (even though Sadducees didn’t)
The resurrection of the body Angels and demons Made the expectation of a Messiah part of the Jewish consciousness at the time of Jesus Believed that God was in control of history

9 ZEALOTS Fought for religious and political independence
Saw themselves as the agents of God’s wrath Believed that God would redeem them for their zeal (enthusiasm) for protecting and promoting God’s law Were strong nationalists, believing that Jewish independence was part of God’s plan They were ready to fight and trusted that God would help them.

10 ESSENES Reminded people that the present world was going to end and that God would create a new order Believed in a final battle between the forces of light (God) and the forces of dark (evil) Lived by strict discipline to be able to side with the forces of light Rejected the Temple Believed that the priesthood was corrupted by the Greek influences

11 Scribes Often called rabbis (teachers) because they interpreted sacred writings Had the power to say whether actions were lawful or not according to Jewish law Many scribes were also Pharisees Some were members of the Sanhedrin, the highest legal authority in the Jewish state

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