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Frames Icons Press F5 to Start Presentation. Over Time Means.

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Presentation on theme: "Frames Icons Press F5 to Start Presentation. Over Time Means."— Presentation transcript:

1 Frames Icons Press F5 to Start Presentation

2 Over Time Means

3 Issues of importance past, present and future Applying something historic to present knowledge Predicting something based upon present knowledge Over Time

4 Applying From Past to Present Noting Change Over Time

5 Thinking Skills Describe the topic over time Judge with Criteria Identify Relationships of a topic Identify different time periods

6 Determine relevance of knowing this topic over time Differentiate fact from opinion Thinking Skills

7 Key Questions How are ideas related to the past, present and future? How are these ideas related within or during a particular time period?

8 How has time affected the information? How and why do things change or remain the same? Key Questions

9 Big Idea

10 Big Ideas are: Generalizations. Related to many instances Developed from many facts

11 Big Ideas are: Overarching concepts. Related to global themes Related to universal themes Principles, laws and theories

12 Thinking Skills Identify / Describe the Big Idea List the evidence needed to support your idea. Infer from supporting evidence / information

13 Thinking Skills Generalize What overarching statement best describes what is being studied?

14 Identify the main idea What general statement includes what is being studied? Thinking Skills

15 Categorize / classify Determine relevance Prove with evidence Thinking Skills


17 Multiple Perspectives Are: Different points of view. Ways of seeing and reporting things. Often dependent on time and place.

18 Multiple Perspectives Are: Seen from different slants. Affected by roles and responsibilities. Myth & legend versus nonfiction.

19 Thinking Skills Describe the multiple perspectives on an issue or topic. Identify relationships among perspectives. Identify a different point of view and explain it.

20 Thinking Skills Use a criteria to judge the various points of view. Prioritize the most important perspectives. Determine relevance of various points of view.

21 Thinking Skills What perspectives do experts have? How does point of view affect what we learn. When is your perspective different from others? Why?

22 Thinking Skills Methods for interpreting evidence. What are opposing viewpoints? How do different people see this event or situation.

23 Trends

24 Trends Are: General directions / course of action Tendencies Current styles Drifts Influences / forces Changes over time

25 Thinking Skills Describe the trend you are seeing. Compare and Contrast. Identify relationships among trends. Determine Cause and effect.

26 Thinking Skills Categorize and classify trends. Prioritize the most important. Predict a direction. Formulate questions

27 Thinking Skills Determine the relevance. Judge the importance of a trend with criteria. Prove the influence of a trend with evidence. Formulate questions.

28 Key Questions What ongoing factors have influenced this study? What factors have contributed to this study? How are other patterns and details related to this?

29 Key Questions What causes of action affected the development of ideas about this topic? What social, political, technological, and popular ideas affected the knowledge about this topic?


31 Patterns are: Predictive. Able to be replicated. Cycles. Repetitive

32 Patterns are: Made up of details. Person made and natural designs. Motifs and recurring elements.

33 Thinking Skills Describe the patterns. Define cause and effect Prioritize the most important patterns Categorize and classify patterns

34 Thinking Skills Identify relationships among patterns. Determine the relevance. Spot sequence of pattern parts. Use a criteria to judge the importance of a pattern.

35 Thinking Skills Seek Patterns of types of documents. Search for time lines. Look for great times / great people. Spot pattern of past / present / future.

36 Rules

37 Rules are: Standards Related to structure Authoritative directions Conduct or procedure

38 Rules are: Statements of truth (all or most of the time) Methods Organizational elements

39 Thinking Skills Describe the Rules. Prioritize the most important rules Categorize and classify Rules Identify relationships among rules.

40 Thinking Skills Determine the relevance. Use a criteria to judge the importance of a rule. Identify the implicit and explicit rules How do you evaluate rules’ efficiency and validity?

41 Thinking Skills How are rules related to patterns and details? Compare structural rules to procedural rules. Differentiate fact from opinion Differentiate fact from fantasy and conjecture


43 Details are: Clues, facts, features Data, ideas, traits Items, parts particulars Specifics, elements, factors, attributes

44 Thinking Skills Describe the detail. Prioritize the most important details. Note ambiguity among details Categorize / classify details

45 Thinking Skills Identify relationships among details. Determine relevance. Sequence the details Select details to determine bias or absence of bias

46 Thinking Skills Which details are more important than others? What is your evidence for this? What distinguishes this from other things? What features characterize this?

47 Unanswered Questions

48 Unanswered Questions are: A puzzle or conundrum Unsolved / unknown Something unexplained A dilemma Doubtful or uncertain

49 Thinking Skills Describe / state an unanswered question. Note ambiguity Distinguish fact from fiction Formulate questions.

50 Thinking Skills Identify missing information Test assumptions Prove the importance with evidence Prove the validity with evidence

51 Thinking Skills Describe the unknown details or stimuli for the event. Identify the origins of an unanswered question. How do you evaluate an unanswered question’s importance?

52 Thinking Skills How do you determine if, in fact, a question is unanswered? Which areas of science or human behavior can you connect with unanswered questions? What are the missing steps of an historical development.

53 Across Disciplines

54 Across Disciplines means: Multidisciplinary. Interdisciplinary Connections among disciplines. Touching on many subjects at once.

55 Thinking Skills Describe the topic in terms of different disciplines. Prioritize various subject areas’ importance to the topic. Identify relationships among information from different disciplines.

56 Thinking Skills Use a criteria to judge the various points of view. Compare and contrast information from various disciplines. Society as expressed in math, art and science.

57 Thinking Skills Describe a topic’s place in more than one discipline or subject area. Sort information you are studying into several disciplines.

58 Thinking Skills How is “across disciplines” related to “multiple perspectives”? How do experts in a discipline learn from experts in other disciplines?

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