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Facilitated by DENNISON ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 Walter Reed Army Medical Center Community Forum Wednesday, May 25, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Facilitated by DENNISON ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 Walter Reed Army Medical Center Community Forum Wednesday, May 25, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilitated by DENNISON ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 Walter Reed Army Medical Center Community Forum Wednesday, May 25, 2005

2 2 Welcome/Introductions  Ms Cynthia Rome, Dir., Army Community Service  Major General Kenneth L. Farmer, Jr., Commander, North Atlantic Regional Medical Command and Walter Reed Army Medical Center  COL Jeffrey Davies, Garrison Commander  COL Rosaline Cardarelli, Medical Center Brigade Commander  COL James Gilman, Commander of Walter Reed Health Care System  The Participants

3 3 Agenda  Welcome  Agenda and How to Proceed  Issues with Army Life ~ Groups Begin Work  LUNCH  Scope  Solutions  Results ~ Groups Present  Closing Remarks

4 4 Objectives  Identify issues that seriously impact the quality of life for soldiers, their families, and/or civilian staff  Specify the scope of those issues  Recommend possible and creative solutions for those challenges

5 5 Rules for the Day What Rules or Guidelines would you like the group to follow today? You make the rules you enforce them!

6 6 Process for the Day Identify Issues Prioritize or Select Most Important Define Scope Identify Solutions Present Results to Whole Group

7 7 Identify/Prioritize Issues Brainstorm Issues & Concerns of Army Life Multi-vote to reduce to smaller list If necessary, use Criteria Matrix to prioritize Choose no more than the top three most important issues

8 8 Write the Issue(s) Should be one sentence Short, simple, clear

9 9 Define Scope of the Issue(s) Summarize your concern What is the problem? Why it is a problem? Focus on one subject per issue Do not offer solution

10 10 Write the Issue Scope Write a paragraph with at least 3 sentences The sentences must: 1.State the current situation 2.Provide validation(facts) 3.State the impact of the issue

11 11 Identify/Prioritize Solutions Brainstorm realistic solutions for each issue Multivote and/or use Criteria Matrix to select best of solutions

12 12 Write Proposed Solutions Write clear, concise statements that say what should be done to address the issues you identified Give a Maximum of 3 recommendations per issue Begin with verbs such as “change, publish, establish” Be sure that the solutions will resolve the issues

13 Facilitated by DENNISON ASSOCIATES, INC. 13 Groups Work

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