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Presentation on theme: "Adaptations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adaptations

2 Adaptations Defined: Any trait that aids the chances of survival and reproduction Increases an organisms fitness to the environment Increases the probability of passing genes to the next generation Ex: Broad leaves (forests) vs. Pointed needles (deserts)

3 Variation vs. Adaptation
Variation: differences that occur in a population Ex: Cats can have long, sharp claws or short, dull claws Harmful variation: Short, dull claws reduce fitness Helpful variation: Long, sharp claws are more likely to be passed on Variations can lead to adaptations

4 Complex Adaptations Evolution is a slow process
Complex traits all started very simple Random variations continued to modify certain traits Ex: At first, eyes were a group of light sensitive cells Over time, variations have lead to adaptations

5 Structural Adaptations
Defined: Adaptations involving structure or anatomy Ex: Anteater tongue (long & sticky) Ex: Angler fish lure Ex: Bird beaks for different diets

6 Physiological Adaptations
Defined: Chemical adaptations Ex: Poisonous snake venom Ex: Octopus ink for protection Ex: Fungus antibiotics for protection

7 Behavioral Adaptations
Defined: Adaptations that respond to their environment Ex: Nocturnal habits (being active at night decreases predator risk) Ex: Migration (allows a constant food supply)

8 Interactions of Adaptations
Adaptations depend upon other adaptations Ex: Act of Migration Behavioral: instincts of know when to migrate Structural: light, hollow bones and feathers Physiological: constant, steady production of ATP

9 Name this Adaptation! Behavioral Wildebeest moving in herds for safety

10 Name this Adaptation! Physiological
Poison dart frogs secrete toxins to prevent being eaten.

11 Name this Adaptation! Structural
Teeth have different shapes for different functions (tearing, grinding)

12 Quick Review Adaptations are traits that aid survival
Variations (differences) lead to adaptations Adaptations are passed from one generation to the next

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