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1 Proven approaches for successful outcomes Every Time & On Purpose! 3 -Steps to LearningSuccess ™

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Presentation on theme: "1 Proven approaches for successful outcomes Every Time & On Purpose! 3 -Steps to LearningSuccess ™"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Proven approaches for successful outcomes Every Time & On Purpose! 3 -Steps to LearningSuccess ™

2 2 Belonging & Acceptance Emotional Safety Fun Power Respect Competence Choice Autonomy Self-determination TM

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5 5 To ensure successful experiences... Students need a mentor, guide, facilitator &/or coach Teacher-Coaches team with students to: 1. meet learning needs for safety & trust 2. remove barriers to learning 3. minimize learning failure The Goal: Personal Best!

6 6 “Educators are finally recognizing that unique learning needs are the norm rather than the exception.” Warger & Pugach, Educational Leadership 2/96 “After 24 years of teaching, I can tell you that when parents bring their kids in for the first day of kindergarten, they’ll either say, ‘Oh, he’s sharp as a pin,’ or, ‘This one’s a real devil, you’ll have your hands full.’ No one ever comes in saying, ‘My kid is just average.’ But, oh, how fast we make them average.” James Alan Astman, Headmaster, Oakwood School

7 7 “Most of us do our best work when improving our own performance, not when trying to surpass others. Yet, in classrooms we have established the dynamic wherein each child wishes to see his classmates fail.” “In most classrooms the success of child A is dependent on the failure of Child B.” “...we have created classroom environments wherein the level and intensity of competition far exceeds that of the adult world.” Richard D. Lavoie

8 8 ™ The 4th Essential Coaching Skill Attitudes & Actions ™

9 9 Stay F. I. T. T. T. Focus on solutions Identify goals Track successes rather than failures Take the pressure off Teach the way each student learns best! How to

10 10 These 5 F.I.T.T.T. Principles = Personal Best Actions & Attitudes

11 11 Reframe “problem” Problems are opportunities Replace negative thinking, anxiety & fear with positive thinking: We can figure this out! Meet student needs for Forward Motion. Meet your needs for Facilitating Positive Action. The child’s solutions are usually the best. F. I. T. T. T.

12 12 What types of solutions? 5x5-Friendly ™ Instruction 4-Period Lesson ™ Planning Responsive Interaction ™ Meet student needs for Forward Motion. Meet your needs for Facilitating Positive Action. The child’s solutions are usually the best. F. I. T. T. T.

13 13 Most kids blindly follow someone else’s plan for them. Most kids have few choices, voice, or power to give input or make changes. By the time kids graduate, most have forgotten what they like or want. Meet student needs for Independence. Meet your needs for Integrity. Give them a future of their own. of the Student F. I. T. T. T.

14 14 Going for different goals!

15 15 Will this pay off in the future?

16 16 Learning Success ™ Goal- Setting

17 17 What kinds of goals? 5x5: Interests / Talents 4-Period: Move to next level? Responsive Interaction: Acknowledge big & little goals! Meet student needs for Independence. Meet your needs for Integrity.. Give them a future of their own. of the student F. I. T. T. T.

18 18 More Personal Best A & A: Students set own learning goals Celebrate achieving steps toward goals Link current studies to student life goals Meet student needs for Independence. Meet your needs for Integrity. Give them a future of their own. of the student F. I. T. T. T.

19 19 Learn to see what’s RIGHT! Remember the Success Law: Success leads to more success! Meet student needs for Truth. Meet your needs for Truth-Telling. It takes more than 10 positives to cancel 1 negative. F. I. T. T. T.

20 20 Seeing what’s RIGHT!

21 21 Learn to see what’s RIGHT! Mark correct answers: e.g. +7/10 Say “You got 5 out of 6 letters right!” Accentuate the positive —it takes more than 10 positives to cancel 1 negative Kids are harder on themselves so don’t add to the distress Meet student needs for Truth. Meet your needs for Truth-Telling. Success leads to more success. F. I. T. T. T.

22 22 Tracking success!

23 23 Point out successes: 5x5-Friendly ™ Instruction 4-Period Lesson ™ Planning Responsive Interaction ™ Meet student needs for Truth. Meet your needs for Truth-Telling.. Send only POSITIVE notes home to parents! F. I. T. T. T.

24 24 Most kids like to learn & will do so naturally when relaxed and interested. Remove pressure and anxiety & see what happens! Meet student needs for Trust. Meet your needs for Trustworthiness. The best learning & teaching take place in a relaxed state. F. I. T. T. T.

25 25 From Victor Frankl Students spend most of their time in Hard to Learn, Hard to Do Spending most of our time in Easy to Learn, Easy to Do assures success! The logical is NOT the psychological! Holocaust survivor, author of Man’s Search for Meaning

26 26 From The Power of Focus by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Les Hewitt “...Often, children are told to focus on their weaker subjects and not spend so much time on the ones they do well in...Wrong!...this doesn’t give you a competitive edge in the marketplace or position you to be wealthy. It just keeps you average. In fact, it’s an absolute insult to your integrity to major in minor things.”

27 27 In what ways? 5x5: Change the program 4-Period: Provide step-by-step Responsive Interaction: Feelings & Needs Meet student needs for Trust. Meet your needs for Trustworthiness. The best learning & teaching take place in a relaxed state. F. I. T. T. T.

28 28 More Personal Best Actions: Spaced repetition Use of Mapping Change classroom mood states Involve in self-testing Classroom agreements Meet student needs for Trust. Meet your needs for Trustworthiness.. The best learning takes place in a relaxed state. F. I. T. T. T.

29 29 Your students learn best! F. I. T. T. T.

30 30 Optimal student learning takes place in systems that are non-punitive & value learning more than they value socialization, obedience, & control. that have structures, policies, methods, & materials to support success. where all students are coached to accomplish A’s and B’s. where students form a learning community to assist & facilitate each other’s learning.

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32 32 Proven approaches for successful outcomes Every Time & On Purpose! 3 -Steps to LearningSuccess ™

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