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Tyler J. Evans HSU Mathematics October 31, 2008. Outline  Overview of entry level mathematics curriculum at HSU  Current placement and goals for the.

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Presentation on theme: "Tyler J. Evans HSU Mathematics October 31, 2008. Outline  Overview of entry level mathematics curriculum at HSU  Current placement and goals for the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tyler J. Evans HSU Mathematics October 31, 2008

2 Outline  Overview of entry level mathematics curriculum at HSU  Current placement and goals for the redesign  Summary of summer 2008 trial run  Reflection and plans for the future

3 Entry Level Mathematics at HSU  Incoming HSU students are placed into one of the following entry level mathematics courses: MATH 40 – Elementary Algebra (3 units) MATH 44 – Intermediate Algebra (3 units) MATH 42 – Beginning Algebra (5 units) MATH 43/103i – Skills for Quantitative Literacy / Mathematics as a Liberal Art (2 units / 3 units) MATH 115 – Precalculus (4 units) MATH 103 – Contemporary Math. (3 units) MATH 105 or 109 – Calculus (3 units / 4units)

4 Placement via the ELM ELM ScoreFirst SemesterSecond Semester 0 - 35MATH 40MATH 44** or MATH 43/103i** 36 - 41MATH 40 or MATH 42* MATH 44** or MATH 43/103i** 42 - 49MATH 44** or MATH 43/103i** MATH 115 or MATH 103 50 -MATH 115 or MATH 103 or MATH 105 or 109 * Remediation complete upon passing MATH 42 ** Remediation complete upon passing MATH 44 or MATH 43/103i *** ELM scores of 50 or more are placed depending on major and HS coursework

5 Problems with Placement  ELM score ranges are broad No sub-score information  Students take the ELM unprepared Often no senior year math ELM is one of dozens of orientation activities  Students fail to understand the importance of placement and the costs associated with remediation  Orientation review sessions must assume that all students need to review the same material at the same pace

6 Goals for the Redesign  Decrease the proportion of incoming HSU students that place into developmental mathematics courses  Decrease the proportion of students that take pre-calculus in HS and at HSU  Increase successful outcomes in developmental and GE level mathematics courses  Improve communication about the importance of placement  Establish an “Early Warning System” Self assessment before orientation Mechanism to “self remediate” before orientation

7 Summer 2008 Trial  All Fall 2008 incoming students were contacted in May 2008 about the Humboldt Orientation Program (HOP) Approximately 1950 students for summer 2008 Some of these students would be content with their placement  HOP Students were offered the opportunity to improve their mathematics placement status by taking an assessment test using the ALEKS software package Initial assessment taken anywhere (e.g. at home) ALEKS “learning module” access was offered to each student as a mechanism to self-remediate in precisely the topics needed for the individual student A proctored assessment was administered at each HOP session as well as during the first week of the Fall 2008 semester  All ALEKS access was generously provided by the ALEKS corporation this summer at no cost to the students or HSU

8 A Sample ALEKS Report Students are presented with a customized curriculum upon completing their initial assessment. The goal of the redesign is to have them work on this curriculum before arriving at HSU in the Fall so that they can improve their placement.

9 Summer 2008 Data  141 Summer 2008 HOP students attempted to raise their mathematics placement status with ALEKS 66 students were trying to place out of developmental courses or reduce the number of developmental semesters required 75 students were trying to place into calculus  9 students (13.6%) placed out of or reduced the number of semesters of developmental math  32 students (42.7%) placed into calculus  Fall 2008 course outcomes will be tracked and correlated to ALEKS assessments and hours of self-study

10 Reflections and the Future  Initial set up was administratively difficult Switch to an ALEKS placement tool  Increase the number of students who participate Earlier and more frequent messaging Messaging directly to parents  Increase the hours of self-study

11 Thank You! Tyler J. Evans

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