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© 2012, McBassi & Company The 2012 Good Company Index Laurie Bassi Ed Frauenheim October 22, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2012, McBassi & Company The 2012 Good Company Index Laurie Bassi Ed Frauenheim October 22, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2012, McBassi & Company The 2012 Good Company Index Laurie Bassi Ed Frauenheim October 22, 2012

2 © 2012, McBassi & Company Laurie Bassi Ed Frauenheim Here we are… 2

3 © 2012, McBassi & Company Agenda The Good Company imperative Implications for L&D professionals How does your company stack up? Using smarter measures to “get to good” Wrapping up 3

4 © 2012, McBassi & Company In the past 5 years, how have the following changed - for YOU? Decreased Stayed the Same Increased 1. Your interest in working for an employer that treats you well 2. Your use of peer reviews and other consumer feedback to check out companies from which you buy 3. Your purchases of “environmentally friendly” products 4

5 © 2012, McBassi & Company 5 Why? A convergence of forces

6 © 2012, McBassi & Company So what? 6

7 © 2012, McBassi & Company So what? 7

8 © 2012, McBassi & Company Implications for L&D Professionals

9 © 2012, McBassi & Company Both separately and together These forces have elevated: Human capital management to a necessary core competence L&D into an economic elixir Analytics into an essential competence for HR and L&D professionals 9

10 © 2012, McBassi & Company Need More Evidence? We’ve been investing on these principles for over 10 years PLEASE NOTE: Reported portfolio performances do not include fees or expenses. S&P 500 does not include dividends. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Contact Bassi Investments for additional information. 10

11 © 2012, McBassi & Company The work that you do is too important to be left to guesswork & intuition. We need to incorporate an “analytics mindset” into our work. 11

12 © 2012, McBassi & Company How Does Your Company Stack Up?

13 What? The Component Parts 13

14 © 2012, McBassi & Company Who? The GOOD...and the Not-So-Good Grades of A, A-, or B+: Grades of F: 14

15 © 2012, McBassi & Company Getting a grade for your company Free online tool: 15

16 © 2012, McBassi & Company Using Smarter Measures to “Get to Good”

17 © 2012, McBassi & Company “Big data” is transforming the evaluation of L&D. 17

18 © 2012, McBassi & Company Multiple Data Sources to Produce Actionable Insights 18

19 © 2012, McBassi & Company Wrapping Up

20 © 2012, McBassi & Company In conclusion... Companies that vigilantly work to be a good employer, seller, and steward are handsomely rewarded The “good company premium” is likely to be even larger in the future “Smarter” measurement and evaluation is critical Integrating and aligning often disparate efforts can unlock great potential The role of L&D is foundational to realizing this potential 20

21 © 2012, McBassi & Company Free resources Online self-assessment for your company Free Good Company white paper available Schedule a complimentary individual consultation Contact us at for any (or all!) of the 21

22 Laurie Bassi Ed Frauenheim @edfrauenheim 22

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