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Invest in Success Minnesota Compass 1. Why? 2. Why?

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2 Invest in Success Minnesota Compass

3 1. Why? 2. Why?

4 MN’s rank among states (1=best) Voting1 Volunteerism5 Healthy-weight births9 Obesity rate14 Diabetes rate4 Household income9 Proportion of adults working3 Adult educational attainment (BA+)10 Cutest kids1 Minnesota: Nation-leading quality of life

5 Poverty Rate in Minnesota MN’s rank among counter-parts in other states (lowest rate = best/first) Minnesota (all)12%11 Non-Hispanic White8%9 Of Color26%30 African American35%44 American Indian38%46 Asian17%43 Hispanic24%23..unfortunately that high quality of life is not shared by all Minnesota Compass analysis of 2008-2010 American Community Survey

6 Proportion of adults working in Minnesota MN’s rank among counter- parts in other states (lowest rate = best/first) Minnesota (all)77%3 Non-Hispanic White78%4 African American59%27 American Indian52%39 Asian67%24 Hispanic71%6..unfortunately that high quality of life is not shared by all Minnesota Compass analysis of 2013 (MN all) and 2010-2012 American Community Survey data.

7 Proportion of adults working in Minnesota Percentage Point Gap (compared with non-Hispanic White) Rank of Gap (1 = smallest/best) Minnesota (all)77%NA Non-Hispanic White78%NA American Indian52%26 points49 th African American59%19 points48 th Asian67%11 points43 rd Hispanic71%7 points36 th..unfortunately that high quality of life is not shared by all >> Workforce >> Proportion of Adults Working

8 Minnesota is in danger of not being able to meet the educational needs of tomorrow’s workforce



11 Great people – and a lot of them!




15 “Structural Racism”





20 Please keep in touch… Sign up for our monthly e-newsletter at Text MNCOMPASS to 22828 Follow us on Twitter @MNCompass Connect with MN Compass on Facebook

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