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BrO Retrievals for UV-Visible Ground-Based Measurements Cristen Adams 1, Annemarie Fraser 1, Kimberly Strong 1, Robyn Schofield 2 1 Department of Physics,

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Presentation on theme: "BrO Retrievals for UV-Visible Ground-Based Measurements Cristen Adams 1, Annemarie Fraser 1, Kimberly Strong 1, Robyn Schofield 2 1 Department of Physics,"— Presentation transcript:

1 BrO Retrievals for UV-Visible Ground-Based Measurements Cristen Adams 1, Annemarie Fraser 1, Kimberly Strong 1, Robyn Schofield 2 1 Department of Physics, University of Toronto 2 Alfred Wegener Institute, Potsdam ARC-IONS Workshop Jan 7, 2009

2 Outline Measurement site & the instruments Differential slant column density (DSCD) retrievals Vertical column density (VCD) retrieval techniques 1. Langley plot 2. Optimal estimation profile retrieval Future Work: Tropospheric BrO

3 Measurement site M. Okraszewski Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL) Run by the Canadian Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Change (CANDAC)

4 The two nearly identical instruments UT-GBS University of Toronto ground- based spectrometer Involved in spring field campaigns since 1999 Currently in Eureka PEARL-GBS Installed permanently at PEARL in August, 2006 Seeking NDACC certification Photo by Annemarie Fraser

5 CCD Diffraction Gratings Focusing System Crossed Czerny-Turner Sunlight Lens The GBSs UV-visible Triple-grating spectrometers Cooled CCD detector Automated operation (Labview) TO CCD PEARL-GBS UT-GBS

6 Differential Slant Column Densities Analyzed using WinDOAS developed at BIRA/IASB Analysis performed in 345- 360 nm range Daily reference spectrum at smallest solar zenith angle Fit cross-sections for: BrO, NO 2, OClO, Ring, ozone at 241 K, ozone at 221 K, O 4, and offset (accounts for dark current and stray light in the instrument) Differential slant column density (DSCD): the amount of an absorber present in the path that the light follows to the instrument at twilight minus that at noon. Zenith-sky measurements give mostly stratospheric information, but we retrieve the total column

7 Day 80Day 90Day 100 Day 110 Day 120 DOD SZA = 80 DOD SZA = 85 DOD SZA = 90 Wavelength (nm) ref=79.8 o ref=75.9 o ref=72.1 o ref=68.6 o ref=65.3 o BrO fits improve as noon-time sun gets higher BrO fits improve toward twilight

8 Available Measurements Due to poor signal to noise require  High BrO concentrations  Low sun DSCDs retrieved for  Spring 2005-2007 using lower resolution grating  Spring 2007 and 2008 using higher resolution grating Below detection limit during summer

9 Retrieval of Vertical Column Densities (VCDs) Using Langley Plots

10 Langley Plots Air Mass Factors (AMF): -McLinden et al., 2002 -Calculated from radiative transfer model over diurnally varying input BrO profile - Trop BrO comes mostly from AMF values of 0.5ppt - Very dependent on input ozone profile! DSCD = VCD * AMF - RCD BrO Noontime Profile used in AMF Using DSCDs from UT-GBS zenith-sky only!

11 2008 BrO VCD’s at Various SZA Still have to assess uncertainties VCD at SZA=90 were previously estimated to be 18.2% Testing underway for retrievals at SZA=85, SZA=80

12 Retrieval of VCDs Using Profile Code

13 Profiling Code R. Schofield et al., JQRST, 2004 Input:  DSCDs, a priori, ozone, T, P, aerosol Output:  profiles at various SZA A priori:  Set of BrO profiles at different SZA  Used 50% uncertainty  Box model for stratosphere (McLinden et al., JGR, 2000) for 75 o N  Peak in troposphere of 1x10 7 mol/cm 2 Still have to run tests to determine sensitivities of retrievals to a priori, uncertainties, etc… (ie: this is a very preliminary 1 st try run!)

14 Retrieved Total Columns for High Sun Averaging kernels for full 80.9 o profile Good sensitivity to stratosphere 1.3 degrees of freedom Tropospheric partial columns mostly derived from a priori.

15 Comparison of Retrieval Techniques Profile AM and PM values at SZA = 80.9 Langley AM and PM values at SZA = 80 OMI data retrieved for midday OMI data provided by K. Chance, T. Kurosu, R. Salawitch

16 Future work Determine best way to retrieve VCDs from zenith-sky measurements Compare zenith-sky VCDs with satellite data Retrieve direct-sun DSCDs Combine direct-sun and zenith-sky measurements to retrieve tropospheric partial column Plan to take test MAX-DOAS measurements in Spring 2009 This suntracker, installed in Feb 2008, allows us to get direct-sun measurements.

17 Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge support from the following groups:  PEARL/CANDAC: CFCAS, CFI, EC, MRI, MSC, NSERC, NSIRT, OIT, PCSP, SEARCH  ACE Arctic Campaign: CSA, EC, NSERC, NSTP, CGCS Logistical and operational support at Eureka:  Team at the EC Weather Station  CANDAC/PEARL PI J. Drummond  CANDAC operators Special thanks to the 2007 and 2008 campaign teams, including:  K. Walker for making the ACE validation campaigns happen  R. Batchelor for taking great care of the suntracker for the second part of the campaign  C. Midwinter for designing the suntracker and helping with its installation and calibration at Eureka And to:  C. Fayt and M. Van Roozendael at IASB-BIRA for WinDOAS software  K. Chance, T. Kurosu, and R. Salawitch for OMI data


19 Averaging Kernels for Total Columns Day 100 Afternoon

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