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RDA development and implementation overview Gordon Dunsire Presented at Cataloguing & Indexing Group in Scotland RDA for Implementers 27 May 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "RDA development and implementation overview Gordon Dunsire Presented at Cataloguing & Indexing Group in Scotland RDA for Implementers 27 May 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 RDA development and implementation overview Gordon Dunsire Presented at Cataloguing & Indexing Group in Scotland RDA for Implementers 27 May 2015

2 RDA environment  Related international standards are all under review  FRBR/FRAD/FRSAD – consolidation (2015-2016)  ISBD – review (2016+)  ICP – review (2015)  Workload of JSC is increasing  RDA user base is changing  Toolkit structure and layout need review  …

3 New RDA governance and strategy  Review by Committee of Principals  World-wide questionnaire  New governance structure will be announced shortly  New strategy under development  Some components already in place

4 New RDA communities  International communities  Translations  Generalization from Anglo-American bias  Cultural heritage communities  Museums and archives  Linked data communities

5 JSC Working Groups (1)  Aggregates  "All publications are aggregates" – Le Boeuf  Capitalization Instructions  RDA Appendix A  Fictitious Entities  FRAD model likely to be rescinded  Music  Well-established and effective

6 JSC Working Groups (2)  Places  Place as a new RDA entity (not an attribute)  Relationship Designators  Relationships are better than attributes  RDA/ONIX Framework  Underpinning RDA carrier and content categories  Technical  Underlying models

7 RDA Development Team  ALA Publishing  JSC  Chair and Secretary  Metadata Management Associates  RDA Registry  TMQ  RIMMF (RDA data editor)

8 RDA Toolkit Technical Committee  RDA Development Team  Library system developers and vendors

9 JSC annual meeting 2015  2-6 November 2015  National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh  Possible foci  Serials  Music  Rare books  Observers welcome!

10 RDA beyond MARC  Try the free RDA data editor software  RIMMF (RDA in Many Metadata Formats)  Imports and FRBRizes MARC records  Full editing of RDA entity data  Exports linked data in Resource Description Framework  Attend a Jane-athon  Hosted by CIGS & NLS, Edinburgh, 9 Nov 2015?

11 More information  Contact me   JSC   CILIP-BL Committee on RDA   RDA training materials   RIMMF and pure RDA data   Jane-athons   RDA linked data 

12 Implementation issues (-)  Training  Cataloguers are human beings!  Hybrid data  RDA in MARC is not full RDA  Relationship designators and WEMI  Structured descriptions of related resources, not links  Productivity  Full effects cannot be seen with partial RDA (in MARC)  Ongoing development of RDA  Continuing professional development required

13 Implementation issues (+)  Positive response to new approach  Better able to meet the current and future needs of libraries  Team-building in adversity  Opportunity to review policies and procedures  Because that’s the way they did it when I arrived  Not as difficult it as it looks?  RDA is more logical  Not as expensive as anticipated?  RDA is designed for machine-processing

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