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Miss Towne Writing Workshop Grade 6 3 rd Quarter Project.

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1 Miss Towne Writing Workshop Grade 6 3 rd Quarter Project

2 What are some places you can go to find information? Library Encyclopedia’s School Books Internet Maps

3 Wherever you find your sources and information, they must be cited in what is called MLA format.

4 Make sure to pay attention to the punctuation within the formats of the citing. *Punctuation is marked in red throughout this power point.*

5  Citing a book: Last name, First name. Title of book. City of publication: Publisher’s name, YYYY. Pages. Example: Smith, John. The Blue House. Saratoga Springs: ABC Publishing, 2013. 1-10. If you go to a second line (third, fourth, etc.), that line needs to be indented as shown above. First line stays normal.

6  Citing a book with multiple authors (names need to be in alphabetical order based on last name): Last name, First name, First name Last name, and First name Last name. Title of Book. City of publication: Publisher, YYYY. Pages. Example: Smith, John, Keanu Reeves, and Adam Sandler. Book of Jokes. Clifton Park: Penguin Co., 2000. 2-4. Indentation

7  Citing an Encyclopedia: “Title of Article.” Name of Encyclopedia. Edition. City of publication: Publisher, YYYY. Pages. Example: “African Elephants.” World Book Encyclopedia. 34 th ed. Chicago: World Book, Inc., 2006. 44- 45. Indentation

8  Citing a newspaper or magazine article: Last name, First name. “Title of Article.” Name of Magazine DD Mo. YYYY: Pages. Example: Hayes, Tom. “Plant Food.” Home and Garden 01 Jan. 1998: 6-8. Indentation *If an article you use has non-consecutive pages, put the first number followed by the “+” sign. Example: 1+

9  Citing from a website: “Title of Web Page.” DD Mo. YYYY. Example: “Huskies.” 04 Nov. 1989. Indentation *When writing the date, the date you enter is the date you saw the website to get your information.

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