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AOE 5104 Class 5 9/9/08 Online presentations for next class:

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1 AOE 5104 Class 5 9/9/08 Online presentations for next class:
Equations of Motion 1 Homework 2 due 9/11 (w. recitations, this evenings is in Whitemore 349 at 5) Office hours tomorrow will start at 4:30-4:45pm (and I will stay late)

2 Review Gradient Divergence Curl
For velocity: twice the circumferentially averaged angular velocity of a fluid particle = Vorticity Ω Magnitude and direction of the slope in the scalar field at a point For velocity: proportionate rate of change of volume of a fluid particle Gradient Divergence Curl

3 Differential Forms of the Divergence
Cartesian Cylindrical Spherical

4 Curl Elemental volume  with surface S e n dS Perimeter Ce Area 
dS=dsh radius a v avg. tangential velocity = twice the avg. angular velocity about e

5 Review Gradient Divergence Curl
For velocity: twice the circumferentially averaged angular velocity of a fluid particle = Vorticity Ω Magnitude and direction of the slope in the scalar field at a point For velocity: proportionate rate of change of volume of a fluid particle Gradient Divergence Curl

6 Integral Theorems and Second Order Operators
AOE 5104 Class 5 9/5/06 Assignments: Collect HW1 Homework 2, due 9/12/06 Online presentation “Equations of Motion 1”

7 George Gabriel Stokes 1819-1903

8 1st Order Integral Theorems
Volume R with Surface S Gradient theorem Divergence theorem Curl theorem Stokes’ theorem ndS d Open Surface S with Perimeter C ndS

9 The Gradient Theorem Finite Volume R Surface S
Begin with the definition of grad: Sum over all the d in R: d We note that contributions to the RHS from internal surfaces between elements cancel, and so: nidS di+1 Recognizing that the summations are actually infinite: ni+1dS di

10 Assumptions in Gradient Theorem
A pure math result, applies to all flows However, S must be chosen so that  is defined throughout R S Submarine surface 

11 Flow over a finite wing S1 S1 S2 S = S1 + S2 R is the volume of fluid enclosed between S1 and S2 p is not defined inside the wing so the wing itself must be excluded from the integral

12 1st Order Integral Theorems
Volume R with Surface S Gradient theorem Divergence theorem Curl theorem Stokes’ theorem ndS d Open Surface S with Perimeter C ndS

13 Alternative Definition of the Curl
Perimeter Ce Area  ds

14 Stokes’ Theorem Finite Surface S With Perimeter C
Begin with the alternative definition of curl, choosing the direction e to be the outward normal to the surface n: n Sum over all the d in S: d Note that contributions to the RHS from internal boundaries between elements cancel, and so: dsi+1 di+1 Since the summations are actually infinite, and replacing  with the more normal area symbol S: dsi di

15 Stokes´ Theorem and Velocity
Apply Stokes´ Theorem to a velocity field Or, in terms of vorticity and circulation What about a closed surface?

16 Assumptions of Stokes´ Theorem
A pure math result, applies to all flows However, C must be chosen so that A is defined over all S 2D flow over airfoil with =0 C The vorticity doesn’t imply anything about the circulation around C

17 Flow over a finite wing C S Wing with circulation must trail vorticity. Always.

18 Vector Operators of Vector Products

19 Convective Operator = change in density in direction of V, multiplied by magnitude of V

20 Second Order Operators
The Laplacian, may also be applied to a vector field. So, any vector differential equation of the form B=0 can be solved identically by writing B=. We say B is irrotational. We refer to  as the scalar potential. So, any vector differential equation of the form .B=0 can be solved identically by writing B=A. We say B is solenoidal or incompressible. We refer to A as the vector potential.

21 Class Exercise Make up the most complex irrotational 3D velocity field you can. ? We can generate an irrotational field by taking the gradient of any scalar field, since I got this one by randomly choosing And computing

22 2nd Order Integral Theorems
Green’s theorem (1st form) Green’s theorem (2nd form) Volume R with Surface S ndS d These are both re-expressions of the divergence theorem.

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