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Panelists: Building Business Networks Chelsi Barfield IBERIABANK Jessica Hayes L’Auberge Lake Charles Lindsey Janies Lindsey Janies Photography Kristy.

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Presentation on theme: "Panelists: Building Business Networks Chelsi Barfield IBERIABANK Jessica Hayes L’Auberge Lake Charles Lindsey Janies Lindsey Janies Photography Kristy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Panelists: Building Business Networks Chelsi Barfield IBERIABANK Jessica Hayes L’Auberge Lake Charles Lindsey Janies Lindsey Janies Photography Kristy Armand, Moderator Healthy Image Marketing

2 View Full Report at:

3 We Need To:  Increase Public Value of the Arts  Show a Return on Investment (ROI) for Businesses  Maintain Interest & Engagement  Communicate Benefits of Arts Support  Make a Better Argument & Develop Our Message

4 Total Arts Giving Median Contribution to the Arts by Small Businesses

5 Total Arts Giving Percent of Total Business Contributions to the Arts by Company Size

6 Total Arts Giving Priority of Supporting the Arts

7 Total Arts Giving Made In-Kind or Non-Cash Contributions

8 Total Arts Giving Geographic Allocation of Business Contributions to the Arts LOCAL 96% NATIONAL 4% INTL >1%

9 Total Arts Giving Foundation Giving Company-Sponsored Foundation Separate legal entities Giving usually reflects company interests Can be private foundations or public charities Generally rely on regular contributions Corporate Giving Programs Includes sponsorships, grants, in-kind gifts, and employee matching gifts Not separate legal entities Do not have an endowment Often used to support programs that do not fall in foundation guidelines $2 Billion = $1.5 Billion to 55 arts institutes

10 Reasons for Support Businesses were asked why they support the arts. 54% 49% 47% The arts improve quality of life The arts help create a vibrant society Arts orgs offer beneficial education initiatives 47% The arts improve academic performance

11 Reasons for Support Businesses were asked why they support the arts. 43% Arts orgs have outreach programs for the disadvantaged 40% The arts provide entertainment & create conversation about important issues Business has an existing relationship with an arts org. 33% 27% The arts are an economic engine The arts help meet corporate objectives 13%

12 Reasons for Support Top reasons why businesses would consider increasing support 69% 64% 59% Arts org was active in providing arts education programs & outreach to disadvantaged Business could also support other social causes by giving to the arts The arts showed a proven need for the contribution 59% A direct impact on a company’s bottom line can be shown

13 Reasons for Support 66% Was your company ever asked to contribute to the arts? No 29% Yes

14 Reasons for Support Where arts support comes from

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