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 Population:141,837,976  Religion: mix of Russian Orthodox, Muslim, and Buddhism  Russia is the largest country in the world  Russia’s land is 1/7.

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Presentation on theme: " Population:141,837,976  Religion: mix of Russian Orthodox, Muslim, and Buddhism  Russia is the largest country in the world  Russia’s land is 1/7."— Presentation transcript:


2  Population:141,837,976  Religion: mix of Russian Orthodox, Muslim, and Buddhism  Russia is the largest country in the world  Russia’s land is 1/7 th of the Worlds land  Russia covers 8 time zones

3  The origin of the flag is said to have come from Peter the Great.  Russian currency is the Russian Ruble and is.0306 of a U.S. dollar  Russia’s flag has 3 sections  The sections are white, blue, and red  Russia’s flag is similar to Norway's

4  Due to civil and political unrest, the U.S. advises you not to go to North Russia  There are still bombing and terrorist acts in North Russia  The U.S. advises you not to drive at night and Russia has a zero-tolerance for alcohol  The U.S. embassy has had reports on attacks on U.S. citizens by “skinheads” or other extremist  While visiting Russia, be alert to your surroundings, take the same precautions against assault, robbery, or pickpockets that you would take in any large U.S. city

5  Hello- привет  Goodbye- до свидания  Thank You- спасибо  Where is the bathroom?- Где находится туалет ?  I don’t know- я не знаю

6  Make your appointments far in advance and do everything you can to avoid cancelation  Don’t attempt to schedule your trip to Russia at the end of July or during the month of August, when that is the time families are taking vacations  The Russian day begins early but it is difficult to foresee daily activities due to constant last minute changes.  Allow time for each appointment, not only may the appointment start late, but they might last longer than planned  Business hours are generally 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

7  Russian proverb-"they meet you depending on how you're dressed and they say good bye depending on how wise you seem.“  Russian families spend more money on their clothing than any families in the nation  Those who can’t afford the name brands prefer to dress in the cheaper but well made clothing, than the fake products throughout the country  If you’re a man your best bet will be to wear a suit or tie, but not the same one everyday  Jeans and sneakers can be accepted casual wear

8 GOODBAD  Politics  Challenges of living in Russia  History  Children  Feelings and hopes for the future  World War II  Personal Questions  Compliments  Art (if you don’t know the Russian artists)  Holocaust  Czar and monarchy  religion

9  Only close friends address each other with the first name  Addressing yourself with your family name is acceptable  Learn titles of everyone you meet  Refer to new people with a Mr. or Mrs.  Russians use date of birth to differentiate between people with the same names

10  Eye contact is important  Smoking in public place is still a common occurrence  The “thumbs up” is generally a good gesture  Wearing your coat and winter boats in public places such as the office and theater is unacceptable  It’s insulting to point at someone with your forefinger

11  Russians take pleasure in giving and receiving gifts  Cheaper gifts do not have to be wrapped but expensive ones should  Gifts for children are opened in private while adult gifts are opened in public  When invited to a Russian home bring a dessert gift  Flowers for women are a good idea

12  Your business card should have a Russian side with the degrees you earned in college  Have a contact outside of the negotiation who is an expert in Russian law  While you conduct your presentation in English, any promotional items should be in Russian  Russians few compromises as a sign of weakness  Praising and rewarding someone in public is viewed with only suspicion

13  Business breakfast is not popular, instead business dining is becoming popular  The business dinner is usually the time for “sealing the deal”  The center seats are reserved for the more senior officials  Don’t begin eating until after the toast  Your hands are expected to stay visible through the whole meal

14  Chilled soups based on kvass  Kholodets- large boiled meat in soup  Bilini- pancakes usually eaten on festivals  Medovukha- sweet, low-alcoholic drink  Pirozhki- stuffed pies

15  Russians will expect you to be on time  There are certain subjects you should never talk about  Always book your appointments ahead of time and try not to cancel  Always use Mr. or Mrs. until you know the title of the person  Know where your going, Russia is the largest country

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