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RHETORICAL ANALYSIS. DEFINITION Analyzes the interactions between a text, the author, and the audience. The text that is analyzed can be an essay, a speech,

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Presentation on theme: "RHETORICAL ANALYSIS. DEFINITION Analyzes the interactions between a text, the author, and the audience. The text that is analyzed can be an essay, a speech,"— Presentation transcript:


2 DEFINITION Analyzes the interactions between a text, the author, and the audience. The text that is analyzed can be an essay, a speech, an advertisement, a poem, even a bumper sticker The purpose of rhetorical analysis is to look at what a text does


4 IDENTIFY THE SPEAKER AND THE AUDIENCE Identify the speaker and the audience The audience will help define the purpose of the text What values does the audience hold that the speaker appeals to?

5 SUMMARIZE The main idea contained in the speech What are the principal lines of reasoning or kinds of arguments used?

6 IDENTIFY THE PURPOSE What is the speaker trying to accomplish? Ex. How would the purpose of a political speech differ if a politician were 1. at a party rally? 2. at his inauguration? 3. at a speaking engagement with a mixed audience?

7 PURPOSES OF SPEECHES To convince To fire up the base of supporters To bring unity To win votes To attack To defend To praise or to blame To teach To dissuade from taking action

8 ANALYZE THE USE OF APPEALS Ethos—what gives the speaker credibility? How does he establish his authority within the speech? Pathos—what specific emotion or emotions does the speaker use to hook the audience? Logos—is the core of the argument logical? How does the author use language to his/her advantage? Look for Antithesis Repetition Use of rhetorical questions

9 EVALUATE EFFECTIVENESS Is the text effective? Does the speaker effectively fit his/her message to the circumstances, times, and audience? What is the response of the audience?

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