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ANCIENT GREEK PHILOSOPHERS. Philosophers - “Lovers of Wisdom” Philosophers are people who question the world around them seeking answers to life’s questions.

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2 Philosophers - “Lovers of Wisdom” Philosophers are people who question the world around them seeking answers to life’s questions and seeking “truths” of the world.

3 Greek Philosophers After the Peloponnesian War, Athenians grew critical of democracy and questioned the ways of the world Core Beliefs of Greek Philosophers: 1. The Universe is orderly; there are “universal laws” that apply to everything and do not change over time. 2. People can learn to understand these laws by applying reason and logic.

4 Socrates Believed natural laws about truth and justice existed Encouraged others to question themselves and their morals and to seek knowledge Accused (and convicted) of “corrupting the youth” with his ideas – sentenced to death

5 Plato Socrates’ student Legacy: Writer of The Republic. Believed states should have three classes: 1. Artisan/farmer class 2. Warriors 3. Ruling class Philosopher-kings, the enlightened ones, should rule

6 Aristotle Plato’s student Questioned how the world works, human’s beliefs, thoughts, and knowledge.






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