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1.1 G REEK R OOTS OF D EMOCRACY. O BJECTIVE  To understand what ideas arose in ancient Greece that contributed to the development of democratic values.

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2 O BJECTIVE  To understand what ideas arose in ancient Greece that contributed to the development of democratic values in the modern world.

3 I. R ISE OF C ITY S TATES  Greeks lived in “city-states” and tried different kinds of government  King or monarchy  Aristocracy or noble landowners  Finally, power went to the citizenry  Sparta- military state, run by 2 kings, a council of elders and an assembly of all males over 30  Athens- the city state where democracy emerged.  Council of 500- legislature made up of citizens chosen at random  Assembly – all males citizens over 30 approved all laws

4 II. A THENS IN THE A GE OF P ERICLES  Direct democracy- citizens participate and vote directly, not through elected representatives  Jury-panel of citizens who have the final judgment in a trial  Believed in the rights and responsibilities of the individual

5 III. G REEK P HILOSOPHY  Philosopher- “lover of wisdom”  Used observation and reason  Looked for “natural laws”  Discussed ethics and morality or standards of human behavior

6 III. S OCRATES  Asked “What is the Greatest Good?”  Socratic method-asking a series of questions  Was put on trial and had the chance to run, but stayed and drank the cup of poison to show his loyalty to the state

7 IV. P LATO  Socrates’ student  Wrote “The Republic”  Describes the ideal state  Believed in “philosopher kings”, distrusted democracy (it killed Socrates)  Created a school “The Academy”

8 V. A RISTOTLE  Believed in: THE RULE OF LAW  Even the ruler should be subject to the law  Wrote “Politics”  People should live using the golden mean- no extremes  Set up the Lyceum- a school

9 VI. A LEXANDER THE G REAT  Tutored by Aristotle  Conquered an empire from Greece 2000 miles east through Persia  New mixed culture emerged “Hellanistic”

10 Q UESTIONS  1. What democratic ideas arose in ancient Greece? (4 at least)  2.Describe the shift in power over time in the Greek city states.  3. What did Socrates, Plato and Aristotle each think of democracy?  4.Describ what “the Rule of Law” means. Who’s idea was this?

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