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AstroGrid presentation to GSC 12 th Feb, 2003 London.

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Presentation on theme: "AstroGrid presentation to GSC 12 th Feb, 2003 London."— Presentation transcript:

1 AstroGrid presentation to GSC 12 th Feb, 2003 London

2 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation Introduction Project status GSC Issues & Resolution Iteration 01 summary Updated project plan

3 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation Project Status Addressed GSC concerns Started Iteration 01 Developed descoped plan First public demo software International liaison Recruitment Training

4 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation Demo software Joint work with AVO AstroGrid contribution : ACE remote on-the-fly source extraction Press demo JBO Jan 20 several other demos since small pool of beta-testers Several other internal tech demos web service and grid service try-outs

5 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation Recruitment and Training Five recruitments TechLead + 1 in place +3 interviewing this week Substantial training programme advanced Java courses OGSA-DAI adopters course

6 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation International Liaison IVOA meeting Seattle Jan 9-10 AstroGrid leading Registry/IAU demos FP6 planning Exchange visits with Aus-VO aim at niches within AstroGrid architecture

7 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation

8 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation GSC/AGOC concerns Risk assessment Deliverables and Milestones Technology choices Architecture User engagement New Oversight page for AGOC & GSC:

9 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation Risk assessment Action has been taken to mitigate risk as indicated in Comment

10 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation Milestones: System Functionality each qtr is milestone deliverables each qtr fresh WPs each qtr Document  AGOC Requested similar for scientific milestones Posted on web site

11 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation Milestones: Scientific

12 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation Project Monitoring Milestone Plan and Risk Plan in place Report against both each AGOC Plan allowed to evolve but only under control

13 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation Technology choices made before October design : UML using TogetherSoft ControlCenter development language : Java SOAP web services, then OGSA IAA modelled on Globus CAS own (to standards) Registry made since October DBMS : DB2 source control : CVS IDE/build : Eclipse/Ant Java libraries: Apache Portal : Apache Cocoon all crucial choices made

14 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation Architecture Development Process: Science problems Science use cases, sequence diagrams Component model (revised after last GSC) Component design features  see focus meeting, 22-Nov-2002 System use cases (& seq diags)  by end of Iteration-01 per-Iteration:  Detailed system design We are here

15 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation Components

16 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation AGOC concerns early user engagement first new sw in use already Sci.Advisory.Comm being formed beta-pool for June releases science milestones under development

17 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation

18 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation Work Plan Process TSP meets before each quarter first meeting Jan 6th Agrees Work Packages for that quarter targets, timescales, methods work group leader and team Plan delivered before quarter start

19 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation Iteration 01: Jan-Mar 2003 Portal Initial front end Portlet: structure Registry query portlet Registry Schema & storage (xml, db?) WS: satisfy simple query for datasets Grid Implement and test OGSA and OGSA-DAI Grid-based demo with Aus-VO  Cube cutout and interactive visualisation Architecture refinement

20 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation

21 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation Updated plan Functionality descoped Revised effort estimates Revised budget Deployment plan Revised Milestone Plan

22 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation Component Descope In: Portal Registry (simple) Community server AstroPass Workflow Process control MySpace Data centre Dataset access Tools (wrap existing)  Sextractor, IRAF, AIPS, Solarsoft, … Out : Ontology-based Registry Custom tools Server-based visualisation Parsed AQL

23 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation Revised Estimates

24 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation Budget summary

25 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation Budget Lines Travel Calc: (10*£6K + 13*£2.5K) * 2 years Less per person than Phase A Based on actual expenditure in 2002 Outsourcing Consultancy (eg database tuning) Customisation  Existing tools  web/grid services  Adapt utilities for portlet use (workflow?)  Adapt client tools for server-side (viz?)

26 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation Staff Deployment end-2002 FTEs 2003 hires 2 Total FTEs Leicester3.54.07.5 Cambridge3.01.04.0 Edinburgh 1 RAL1.50.72.2 MSSL0.61.01.6 JBO 1 1.0 2.0 QUB0.01.0 12.69.722.3 of which non-dev 3 Total People 2.58 1.04 5 4 2 1 1 4.525 1 At Edinburgh, 2 people are funded by AVO and 0.5 by NeSC At JBO, 1 is funded by AVO 3 Includes PM, PS, web developer, AVO interoperability RA 2 Includes Tech Lead, hired Nov-2002 + current round (3.7) + proposed (5.0)

27 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation Planned task deployment LeicsCamEdinRALMSSLJBOQUB Portal XXX Registry XX Community XXX AstroPass XX Workflow XXXX Proc control XXX MySpace XXX Data centre XX Data access XX

28 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation

29 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation Next Steps GSC : Approve de-scoped plan GSC : Approve five further developers GSC : Approve 3.7M total budget GSC : Approve basis for monitoring project AG : hit Q1 targets AG : hit Q2 targets

30 12.02.2003AstroGrid/GSC Presentation ToDo: by Jun-2003 First working portal, registry OGSA integration Data centre briefing Set up Science Advisory Group (AGSAG?) clarify post-AstroGrid options Prepare demos for IAU: Iteration 02 s/w: Portal & data access  Aus-VO: customisation of AstroGrid codebase OGSA/OGSA-DAI demo:  joint AstroGrid/Aus-VO Scientific Roadshow (for post-IAU) IVOA standards (Registry, Data Access, …)

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