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OVERVIEW OF THE CITI EAC CITI Developer’s Meeting October 6, 2007 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Seattle, WA Ernest D. Prentice.

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Presentation on theme: "OVERVIEW OF THE CITI EAC CITI Developer’s Meeting October 6, 2007 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Seattle, WA Ernest D. Prentice."— Presentation transcript:

1 OVERVIEW OF THE CITI EAC CITI Developer’s Meeting October 6, 2007 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Seattle, WA Ernest D. Prentice

2 CHARGE The CITI Executive Advisory Committee (EAC) is an advisory committee that provides advice and counsel to the founders of CITI, Paul Braunschweiger and Karen Hanson, on all current and future CITI activities.

3 MEMBERS Jerry CastellanoHSR-Biomed Bruce GordonHSR-Biomed Lorna HicksHSR-SBR Ken GoodmanRCR Daniel VasgirdRCR Ernest PrenticeChair Sally MannRecording Secretary

4 EAC Appointment and Terms Appointed by Paul Braunschweiger and Karen Hansen Six members including the Chair Two-year renewable terms for a maximum of 4 years

5 EAC Meeting Schedule Quarterly by conference call Anytime as needed The Developer’s Group Meetings

6 EAC Operating Procedures Review current CITI activities Review planned CITI activities Review the CITI budget Receive input/feedback from CITI Founders Receive input/feedback from members of the CITI Developer’s Group Set the agenda for EAC meetings Provide advice/recommendations to CITI Founders Maintain copies of the minutes of EAC meetings Note: EAC recommendations are not binding.

7 EAC Goal It is the overarching goal of the EAC to work with the CITI Founders and all those individuals committed to CITI in order to continuously evolve CITI in order to meet the needs of the research community.

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