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Olawa By Sarah Thrupp The Olawa (also referred to Laciport, or Aesbrid) lives in the Tropics, which include the South and Central American Mainland and.

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Presentation on theme: "Olawa By Sarah Thrupp The Olawa (also referred to Laciport, or Aesbrid) lives in the Tropics, which include the South and Central American Mainland and."— Presentation transcript:


2 Olawa By Sarah Thrupp

3 The Olawa (also referred to Laciport, or Aesbrid) lives in the Tropics, which include the South and Central American Mainland and the African countries. As example, here is a select few: Venezuela, Kenya, Suriname, Nigeria, French Guiana, Liberia, Peru, Somalia, Ecuador, etc; The Olawa lives in these countries because their feathers are very thin and delicate, and in cold countries it may not survive, as it could catch a deadly illness called Esaesid Plus (E+). E+ is a disease similar to hypothermia, but instead of the core body temperature decreasing, it can increase to a boiling 39 ˚C, or decrease to an almost impossible human recovery rate of 11.5˚C, when the lowest ever recorded hypothermia recovery for a human, which was recorded in Sweden, 2010, was 13.0˚C, which involved a 7 year old girl, in a drowning accident. Olawa’s prefer to sleep or rest in tree’s a few metres from ground level ( not far up, in case their chicks fall, so it would not be far down, and the results from the fall would not be deadly ), where ground predators can’t simply pluck an Olawa from their perch. Habitat:

4 Niche: The Olawa builds nest in trees out of feathers, twigs, hay, grass, leafs, and any material that are left around. The Olawa uses its nest for hatching its chicks, resting, sleeping, feeding its chicks and family. It feels safer, and comfortable, hidden by the leaves, so it is safe enough to hide from predators if needed. It chooses to build their nests in trees nearer to the beaches, like the trees shown below, so it can catch food. Palmaceaes (Palm Trees) provide the Olawa with protection against predators, and privacy towards their chicks. It also hides them from predators vision, as the large Pinnate (feather-like) leaves provide the Olawa with a lot of protection

5 Diet: Olawa’s diet consist of fish, or even venomous snakes. Their hooked beaks help them to grasp their prey, and then tear it into smaller parts so it is easier to consume. The Olawa’s beak is a hooked shape to do a similar job. Olawa’s swoop at their prey and then dive at their prey, also known as the ‘Swoop Dive’. When an Olawa spots a snake, they ‘Swoop Dive’, and grasp the back of the snake. The snake may be shocked from the attack, but a smaller proportion will not, and turn and bite the Olawa. This can be fatal, but the majority of Olawa’s may be seriously injured but do recover, but that depends on the species of snake.

6 Relatives: The Olawa is related to few birds. One of those few, is the Bald Eagle. This American icon, has recovered from near extinction, and have bounced up to more than 10,000 mating couples, and is no longer on the endangered list. The Bald Eagle also eats fish, snakes, smaller birds, rodents, and smaller animals. The beak on this carnivore is hooked, and is appropriate for tearing their prey.

7 Taxonomy: Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Aves Order: Accipitriformes Family: Dianodanide Genus: Dianod Species:

8 Bibliography: Pictures: Creator: Sydenham, S. & Thomas, R. Birds. Last updated: 2008 20Animalia%2520Chordata%2520Mammalia%2520Rodentia.jpg&imgrefurl 20Animalia%2520Chordata%2520Mammalia%2520Rodentia.jpg&imgrefurl= america_T4868.jpg&imgrefurl= pictures.htm&usg=__ShOCNJp7pbyW3ODQAAX0gU0x9xo=&h=312&w=468&sz=61&hl=en&start=31&zoom=1&tbnid=FDd6wF2lmSCrcM:&tbnh=85&tbn w=128&ei=xM0GTsWmOIjQmAWj77zXDQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dbirds%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1920%26bih%3D899%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch& itbs=1 ils.php%3Fp_id%3D271&usg=__OgR0faJZuMJnJfYMFp7fNGosI9c=&h=310&w=279&sz=28&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=d5b72Lw_huS3lM:&tbnh=11 1&tbnw=104&ei=Xc4GToeNLarPmAWcvNXnDQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dcolourful%2Bbirds%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26rlz%3D1R2ADS A_enNZ384%26biw%3D1920%26bih%3D899%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=561&vpy=86&dur=494&hovh=237&hovw=213&tx=113&ty=9 8&page=1&ndsp=40&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0

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